Reading Guide: The Russian Revolution "No matter what one thinks of Bolshevism, it is undeniable that the Russian Revolution is one of the greatest events in human history, and the rule of the Bolsheviki a phenomenon of worldwide importance." John Reed, 1st January 1919. (J. Reed, Ten Days that Shook the World)
Lecture on the 1905 Revolution This lecture on the 1905 Revolution was delivered by Lenin on January 9 (22), 1917 at a meeting of young workers in the Zurich People’s House. The 1905 revolution was the dress rehearsal of October 1917. #1917Live
Trotsky in January 1917: “Bronx Man Leads Russian Revolution” 2017 marks the centenary of the greatest event in world history: the Russian Revolution. The names Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky will forever be connected to that momentous social, political, and economic upheaval, which forever changed the course of humanity. Many people familiar with 20th Century history know that when the Russian working class overthrew the tsar in February 1917, Lenin was in exile in Switzerland, soon to return to Petrograd in the famous sealed train. But where was Trotsky before returning to the maelstrom?
Theses for an Appeal to the International Socialist Committee and All Socialist Parties (Rough Draft) "A genuinely enduring and democratic peace can now be achieved only by proletarian governments" - Lenin #1917Live
On the Defence of the Fatherland Issue "Either we allow ourselves to be killed in the interests of the imperialist bourgeoisie, or we systematically prepare the majority of the exploited, and ourselves, for seizure—at the price of less sacrifice—of the banks and expropriation of the bourgeoisie in order to put an end to the high cost of living and war." - V. I. Lenin - #1917Live
Bourgeois Pacifism and Socialist Pacifism Article (or chapter) IThe Turn in World PoliticsThere are symptoms that such a turn has taken place, or is about to take place, namely, a turn from imperialist war to imperialist peace.
Communists against Stalin: the massacre of a generation – Preface to the book Below we publish the introduction to the first Italian edition of Pierre Broué’s book, Communists against Stalin: the massacre of a generation.
The Truth about Stalin - a Reply to the Morning Star On Monday 17 October, the Morning Star published a review of the new edition of Trotsky’s biography of Stalin written by Andrew Murray. While admitting that “this book has literary and historical merit,” Murray states that “it has much less as an actual biography of Stalin”. How does he justify these claims?
80 years on: The Trotskyists in Stalin's concentration camps - An eyewitness account of the strike at Vorkuta As the year draws to an end we would like to remember all those thousands of genuine Communists who perished in Stalin’s camps, butchered simply for defending the ideas of Lenin and Trotsky. Old Bolsheviks like Zinoviev, Kamenev and Bukharin were forced to confess to crimes they had not committed. These famous victims were only the tip of the iceberg. Not remembered are the thousands of Trotskyists who languished in brutal concentration camps. They were brave and defiant to the end. The difference with the Trotskyists was that Stalin’s agents could not get them to confess to false crimes, so they were never brought to trial but just callously executed and buried in the wastes.
The Revolution Betrayed – a Marxist masterpiece This week Wellred Books, the publishing house of the IMT, is for the first time publishing The Revolution Betrayed by Leon Trotsky. Trotsky's masterful analysis of the Soviet Union, written during degeneration in the 1930s, provides both an excellent rebuttal to right-wing critiques of socialism "in practice" and many lessons for the success of future revolutions. We publish here Alan Woods' introduction to the new edition. Order your copy now from Wellred Books.
97th anniversary of the russian revolution On the 97th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, we commemorate this great event by recommending three works of Ted Grant and Alan Woods: Russia: from Revolution to Counter-Revolution by Ted Grant (1997), The Meaning of October by Alan Woods (November 1992) and Russian revolution: 50 Years after by Ted Grant (November 1967).
Bolshevism and the Arab Revolution From a Marxist point of view, the Bolshevik Revolution was the greatest single event in world history. Why? Because here, for the first time, if we exclude the heroic but tragic episode of the Paris Commune, the masses overthrew the old regime and began the great task of the socialist transformation of society.