Ultimatum from the C.C. Majority "It stands to reason, a split would be highly deplorable. But an honest and open split would now be incomparably better than internal sabotage, the thwarting of our own decisions, disorganisation and prostration."
Resolution of C.C. of the R.S.D.L.P.(B.) on the Opposition within the C.C. "The Central Committee affirms, finally, that despite all difficulties, the victory of socialism both in Russia and in Europe can only be ensured by the unswerving continuation of the present government's policy."
Speeches at a Meeting of the Central Committee of the R.S.D.L.P.(B.) November 14 (1), 1917 "There must be no vacillation. We are backed by the majority of the workers and peasants and of the army."
Wireless Message Of The Council Of People’s Commissars "The Soviet Government is making every effort to avert bloodshed..." Wired on 30 October, 1917.
Direct-Line Conversation With Helsingfors "I want to say I am sure the Republic and all the destroyers we send will do their duty in defending the revolution."
Draft Regulations On Workers’ Control Written on 26 or 27 of October 1917, stating the eight key regulations on workers control following the October Revolution.
Second All-Russia Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies "Our idea of strength is different. Our idea is that a state is strong when the people are politically conscious. It is strong when the people know everything, can form an opinion of everything and do everything consciously."
Meeting Of The Petrograd Soviet Of Workers' And Soldiers' Deputies "We must now set about building a proletarian socialist state in Russia. Long live the world socialist revolution!"
Letter To Central Committee Members "The government is tottering. It must be given the death blow at all costs. To delay action is fatal."
The Tasks Of Our Party in the International "The composition of the Conference was very mixed—even absurd, for the people who got together were not in agreement on the main thing, and therefore were incapable of really unanimous action, of really acting together"