Resolution Of The Council Of People's Commissars On The Rada's Reply To The C.P.C. "The revolutionary movement of the Ukrainian working classes for the transfer of all power to the Soviets is assuming ever greater proportions in the Ukraine itself and holds out the prospect of an early victory over the Ukrainian bourgeoisie."
How to Organise Competition? "We must fight against the old habit of regarding the measure of labour and the means of production from the point of view of the slave whose sole aim is to lighten the burden of labour or to obtain at least some little bit from the bourgeoisie."
Fear Of The Collapse Of Tile Old And The Fight For Tile New "The strength of the proletariat and the peasantry allied to it grows with the resistance of the bourgeoisie and its retainers. As their enemies, the exploiters, step up their resistance, the exploited mature and gain in strength; they grow and learn and they cast out the “old Adam” of wage-slavery."
Draft Decree On Consumers’ Communes "Apart from the purchase and distribution of products, every consumers’ society shall engage in the sale of local products."
Plekhanov on Terror "When that Kerensky of yours reintroduced capital punishment at the front, that was not terror, gentlemen, was it?"
The Irregular Actions of People’s Commissar for Justice I. Z. Steinberg and Member of the Board of the People’s Commissariat for Justice V. A. Karelin Draft Decision for C.P.C. on 'The Irregular Actions of People’s Commissar for Justice I. Z. Steinberg and Member of the Board of the People’s Commissariat for Justice V. A. Karelin'.
Resolution Of The Council Of People’s Commissars On Negotiations With The Rada "Only the Soviets of the Ukrainian poor peasants, workers and soldiers could set up a power in the Ukraine under which clashes between fraternal peoples would be impossible."
On The Opening Of The Constituent Assembly "The Council of People’s Commissars deems it necessary to declare that these are absolutely false rumours, deliberately and maliciously spread by the enemies of the Soviets of Peasants’, Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies."
Questions To Delegates To The Army Congress On The Demobilisation Of The Army "Should we at once undertake intensive agitation against the Germans’ annexationist policy and for a revolutionary war?"