Revolutionary Marxist Current on Venezuelan TV

The Marxist Tendency has been appearing quite a lot on Venzuelan TV recently. Of particular interest is the fact that the whole of the film "No Volveran" made by supporters of the Hands Off Venezuela Campaign and members of the International Marxist Tendency has been broadcast on TV.

Last Friday Mario Silva presented on his La Hojilla TV show the film "No Volveran" made by supporters of the Hands Off Venezuela Campaign and members of the International Marxist Tendency. During the broadcast and while he was introducing the documentary he commented: Look at it! These comrades did not go to the City Council or to speak to a Minister. They went to the rank-and-file, to the people to see how they organise and the participation from below of the people, this is the most interesting aspect of the film". At the beginning of the film he said: "This is a patriotic film it must reach President Chavez!"

Mario Silva (left), presenter of La Hojilla, together with President Chavez. This photograph was taken during another edition of Silva's famous TV show.
Mario Silva (left), presenter of La Hojilla, together with President Chavez. This photograph was taken during another edition of Silva's famous TV show.

He also mentioned during the show: "This documentary shows how the people organise from the ranks, and also the organisation of the working class in the factories". Earlier on, at the beginning of last week Mario had already shown extracts of a documentary in which President Chavez heavily criticises the capitalist system. He also showed parts of the material that the comrades of the Revolutionary Marxist Current had given him such as the latest book by Alan Woods, Reformism or revolution. Marxism and socialism of the 21st Century, but also the film "The truth about the massacre in Mitsubishi" and he thanked the Revolutionary Marxist Current for the films. This shows the method of work and the increasing influence of the International Marxist Current in Venezuela.

Mitsubishi and Vivex

The same day that Mario Silva showed No Volveran during La Hojilla, on Vanessa Davies' the Contragolpe (counter coup) TV show, two comrades were interviewed. Félix Martínez from Mitsubishi and Yeanth Carlos Sabino from Vivex explained the situation in each of their factories and the need to go onto the offensive against the bourgeoisie expropriating the fundamental sectors of the economy such as the banks, the land and industry.

No Volveran - The Venezuelan Revolution Now On Sunday President Chavez mentioned the Vanessa Davies Show during his weekly Aló President programme, pointing out that young trade union leaders had explained the situation in the automobile industry and then he asked the new Labour Minister, Maria Cristina Iglesias, to organise a meeting with the comrades of Mitsubishi and Vivex.

No Volveran was a film made by the comrades of the International Marxist Tendency before and after the Presidential elections of 2006 when President Chavez announced the creation of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), as well as the nationalization of the electricity company of Caracas and the CANTV phone company.

The documentary also deals with the organization of the working class such as the examples of Sanitarios Maracay and their struggle for the nationalisation of the company, the organisation of the workers of Inveval and other nationalised factories.

Watch the latest edition of La Hojilla here. The broadcast of No Volveran is in Part 2.


No Volveran

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