How Lenin studied Hegel In the autumn of 1914 Lenin began a detailed study of Hegel’s writings. His notes contain a brilliant insight into the dialectical method, of which he was a master. In this article, Hamid Alizadeh draws out the essential aspects of this method, underlining the fundamental importance of theory for the communist movement. V.I Lenin Featured Theory Lenin Lives
[Podcast] Biden escalates Ukraine war, Trump vs the ‘deep state’, and the death of the American dream In this episode of Against the Stream, Hamid Alizadeh and Niklas Albin Svensson, from the International Secretariat of the Revolutionary Communist International, discussed the reckless escalation of the Ukraine war by Biden, Trump’s controversial picks for his administration, and the death of the American Dream. United States Featured Ukraine-Russia conflict Against the Stream
Denmark: a greeting from the Revolutionary Communist Party to the left Just before the founding of the Revolutionary Communist Party (RKP) in Denmark, Reinout Bosch wrote a kind of greeting for our new party on We hereby send a greeting back to Reinout and the rest of a left wing characterised by gloom and pessimism. Featured Denmark Are you a communist?