IMT Sweden founds Revolutionary Communist Party A new generation of young people is shedding the illusions of capitalism and moving towards communism. But without organisation we can do nothing. In order to gather the forces of real communism, our Swedish comrades are launching the Revolutionary Communist Party (RKP). Featured Sweden Are you a communist?
John Pilger (1939-2023): a thorn in the side of imperialism Journalist and documentary-maker John Pilger sadly died recently. For decades, he dedicated his work to uncovering the crimes of western imperialism. We pay tribute to his tireless efforts, and strive to continue this legacy of struggle today. Featured Obituaries
Lenin: 100 years on – new issue of "In Defence of Marxism" magazine out now! Issue 44 of In Defence of Marxism magazine, the quarterly theoretical journal of the International Marxist Tendency, is available to buy now! To commemorate the centenary of the death of one of history’s greatest communists, this issue focuses on the life and work of Lenin. Featured IDOM magazine Lenin Lives