Hundreds of millions watch launch of the Revolutionary Communists of America! Last Sunday, our US comrades announced the launch of a brand new organisation: the Revolutionary Communists of America (RCA). In just a week, it has caused something of a sensation. Social, mainstream, and state media outlets quickly picked up on the news. In total, millions in the US, and hundreds of millions around the world have seen the launch videos after being picked up by state media in a number of countries. The announcement has become a beacon for communists and class fighters across the continent and beyond, with our US comrades being flooded with hundreds of write-ins in just one week. United States Featured Are you a communist?
[Video] Canada: the launch of the Revolutionary Communist Party On the weekend of February 17-18, over 600 Communists from across Canada gathered to launch the Revolutionary Communist Party. Canada Featured Are you a communist?
New issue of Arabic Communist journal: celebrating the year of Lenin! The editorial board of and communists of the IMT in North Africa and the Middle East are proud to publish a new issue of the magazine Freedom and Communism. This is the 14th issue of a revolutionary magazine that is received with great enthusiasm by the youth of the region, and includes all the articles of issue 44 of In Defence of Marxism magazine, dedicated to marking the centenary of the death of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Featured Middle East