Spain: communists found a new Revolutionary Communist Organisation! On the weekend 15-17 March, the founding congress of the Revolutionary Communist Organisation (RCO) was held in Madrid. This was a historic milestone for several reasons: we had the largest presence and participation of any previous congress; we launched a new organisation; and the comrades came out more determined than ever to build the forces of communism in the Spanish state and around the world. Spain Featured Are you a communist?
Why Israel has delayed its attack on Rafah The 10 March deadline for the attack on Rafah has come and gone, and there is no attack yet. Could it be that Netanyahu is having second thoughts? The answer to that is clearly, no. The Israeli government is manoeuvring under pressure from outside, in particular from the US administration, while at the same time being internally divided. Is the US pressure due to humanitarian concerns on the part of Biden? The answer, again, is no. The US continues to support Israel in its genocidal onslaught on the Palestinian people, as testified by its increased military aid. So why the delay in the attack? Featured Israel & Palestine
World School of Communism: reading lists out now! This June, revolutionary communists from around the globe will be meeting in Italy to found a new Revolutionary Communist International (RCI), as the banner for organising communists for world socialist revolution. You too can participate by signing up online. But in order to participate fully, we are asking for something from you: politically prepare for the event. We have prepared reading lists for all 15 sessions. But first we want to answer a question: we intend this International to become a worldwide party of revolutionary action. Why then do we need a reading list? Featured Events Are you a communist?