Pakistan: PIA martyrs remembered with protests against privatization On 2 February last year two PIA workers were killed and many injured at Karachi airport by para-military forces as they protested against privatization together with hundreds of other workers. After those killings a total stoppage of PIA operations was imposed by the workers and all domestic and international flights were cancelled for eight days. Pakistan
France: Benoit Hamon and the Farce of “Uniting the Left” The defeat of Manuel Valls in the Socialist Party primary was celebrated, or at least appreciated, by far more than the 1.2 million who voted for Benoit Hamon. Valls, the former prime minister, is one of the most consistent representatives of the right-wing, pro-capitalist, leadership of the PS. France
Brazil: In defense of democratic and trade union freedoms and workers' rights The Union of Municipal Workers of Florianópolis (Sintrasem) is being attacked by the city and the judiciary. International solidarity needed! Workers' Struggles Brazil Solidarity Appeals