Preparing for the civic strike This article was originally published in Spanish in the runup to the a strike in Mexico on 17 March. Mexico
Trump and Republicans Defeated as “Trumpcare” Crashes! The Trump administration and the Republicans in Congress suffered defeat as their proposal to “repeal and replace Obamacare” disintegrated. Historically speaking, a new President has the most momentum in his first 100 days. Trump has been president less than 65 days—with no victories and now a major defeat. United States
[Video] Capitalism's global political crisis Alan Woods - editor of In Defence of Marxism - discusses the political earthquakes that have shattered the status quo and shaken the Establishment in country after country: from the victory of Donald Trump, to the Brexit vote, and the prospect of a Le Pen win in the French elections. "All that is solid melts into air" - and all the old certainties are now being questioned, with the future of the European Union and the Middle East hanging in the balance. Wars, terrorism, and crisis: all of these are symptoms of the death agony of capitalism and the birth pangs of revolution. Audio & Video