The Lyon Silk Workers’ uprisings of 1831 and 1834 Engels described the Canut revolt of the Lyon workers in 1831 as “the first working-class rising” of the early period of capitalist development. In fact, it was the first time in history that the working class had taken power in a major city. Here Steve Brown, basing himself on Robert J Bezucha’s book The Lyon uprising of 1834, describes those momentous events.
The Nigerian State and the National Question: A genuine Marxist approach Like a hydra-headed monster, once again, ethnic tension has risen to near boiling point, threatening to tear Nigeria apart. This time around, it is the renewed call for secession of the South Eastern region (the Igbos) from Nigeria by the “Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB)” to form the Republic of Biafra, that is haunting the nation. Similar agitation for Biafra in the late sixties eventually led to three years of civil war from 1967 to 1970, in which over two million men, women and children perished. The national question Nigeria The National Question
Help us publish the history of the Bolshevik Party in Indonesian! In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, the Indonesian Marxists are publishing, for the first time, the Indonesian edition of Alan Woods’ “Bolshevism, the Road to Revolution”. This will be the first comprehensive book on the history of the Bolshevik Party published in Indonesia since 1965, that fateful year when the Communist Party of Indonesia (CPI) were brutally crushed by a military coup. Revolutionary Communist International Solidarity Appeals