A financial appeal: help us build the Revolutionary Communist International! In five days, the Revolutionary Communist International (RCI) will be founded. If you have not done so already, sign up here to participate in this historic event online. This new International will be a fighting organisation from the first day. And as Cicero once said, finances are the sinews of war. We therefore appeal to all those who want to see an end to capitalism to donate and strengthen the forces of genuine communism across the world by donating to the first historic fighting fund collection of the RCI. Featured Events
Britain: Fiona’s 10 demands – a revolutionary communist programme for workers and youth RCP comrade Fiona Lali is running in the constituency of Stratford & Bow in the upcoming British general election, fighting to kick out the war criminals, and demanding healthcare instead of warfare. We publish here her 10-point programme to raise on the doorstep. Britain Featured
Under a false flag: the Moscow Trials cover-up Continuing our series on the historic crimes of Stalinism, and in defence of the genuine ideas of communism, Rob Sewell examines the Moscow Trials of the 1930s – a kangaroo court, through which the bureaucracy drowned Bolshevism in blood. Stalinism Featured