Tectonic shifts in world relations provoke volcanic explosions The whole world situation is dominated by enormous instability in international relations. This is the result of the struggle for hegemony between the US, the world’s most powerful imperialist nation, which is in relative decline, and other weaker but nonetheless rising powers, above all the younger and more dynamic China. World Relations Featured World Perspectives
Lenin in a Year: an indelible legacy This year marked the centenary of Lenin’s death. In order to reclaim the real legacy of one of history’s greatest revolutionaries, we dedicated a series of articles to some of Lenin’s most important texts throughout 2024. Featured Lenin Lives
2024: the best of marxist.com 2024 has been a turbulent year for every continent. The war, imperialism, economic crisis and political turmoil of the capitalist system have been mirrored by the mass mobilisations and revolutionary movements of the poor and oppressed. Throughout this, marxist.com has aimed to provide clear, communist analysis of all the major events unfolding internationally. Revolutionary Communist International Featured