Telegram founder arrested: freedom of communication under attack! On 24 August, Pavel Durov, the Russian billionaire owner of encrypted messaging app Telegram, was arrested by French police. Interrogated for four days, he was yesterday transported to a court and charged on all counts. Now, awaiting trial, he has been released on a €5 million bail, must visit the French police twice a week, and has been prevented from leaving France. A warrant is also out for the arrest of his brother, the co-founder of Telegram. Featured Science & Technology
Catch up: the World School of Communism - now available as podcasts! In June, hundreds of revolutionaries from all over the world gathered in Italy for the founding conference of the Revolutionary Communist International and the World School of Communism, with thousands more participating online. All 20 talks from the World School of Communism are now available as podcasts. They are a highly valuable resource, full of valuable lessons, which we urge all communists to make use of. Featured Are you a communist?
France: for a general mobilisation! As this issue of Revolution goes to press, Macron has still not named the next occupant of the Hôtel Matignon. He simply dismissed the New Popular Front’s (NFP) proposal out of hand. But, from now on, the identity of the next Prime Minister is of little importance when it comes to analysing the political situation and its prospects. France Featured