Japan: LDP elects new prime minister as instability intensifies After only three years in power, Japan’s former Prime Minister Fumio Kishida (岸田 文雄) announced that he was resigning his post on 14 August. The resulting leadership contest for the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) in the end nominated ex-Defence Minister Shigeru Ishiba (石破 茂) as the country’s new Prime Minister. Now, the new PM has called a snap general election in October to consolidate his position. Featured Japan
The struggle for world revolution – by Alan Woods Issue 47 of In Defence of Marxism magazine – the quarterly theoretical journal of the Revolutionary Communist International – is out now! We publish here Alan Woods’ editorial for this issue, in which he traces the lessons of the international communist movement from the times of Marx and Engels to today, and the revolutionary tradition of struggle against militarism, imperialism and war, which communists continue down to the present. Get your copy of issue 47 of In Defence of Marxism magazine now! Alan Woods Featured Books not bombs!
Poland: Sikorski wants to throw Ukrainian refugees into the meat grinder We are now in the third year of the war in Ukraine. The success of the Russian army’s advance on Pokrovsk and the meagre effect of the Ukrainian offensive in Kursk Oblast have filled the ‘statesmen’ of western capitalism with trepidation. ‘This is not how it was supposed to be, Friends!’ resounds in Washington and Kiev. Featured Poland