Capitalism in Germany: rotten to the root German industry has been in crisis since 2018. Since then, the policies pursued during the pandemic, the energy crisis brought about by western governments’ support for the Ukraine war, and global trade wars have turned this crisis into a rapid decline of German capitalism. Featured Germany
Donald Trump’s populism – what does it represent? With both candidates neck-and-neck in the run-up to election day, you can sense the anxiety of the ruling class, who mostly oppose the maverick Trump. But why has his anti-establishment message struck a chord with a section of American society? United States Featured
Britain: the ‘Zinoviev letter’ – how the establishment schemed to bring down Labour 100 years ago, British intelligence, the Tory Party, and the bosses’ press colluded to bring down the first Labour government. The ‘Zinoviev letter’ affair reveals the murky machinations of the capitalist state, which will go to any length to defend its interests. Britain Featured