President Chavez is back in Venezuela

Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez returned to Venezuela in the early this Monday, February 18th, after completing the first part of his post operatory recovery in Havana Cuba, where he underwent surgery on December 11.

He announced his return on his Twitter account in two messages in which he also expressed his gratitude to the Cuban people, Cuban president Raul Castro and Fidel Castro.

The international media had kept up a constant campaign of lies and misinformation about the president's health. A particularly disgusting role has been played by the Spanish paper ABC and its "journalist" Emili J Blasco  which on two occasions published "reports" quoting from "sources in the medical team" to the effect that Chávez was in a coma and about to be disconnected ("which would result in death") and then that his family had already been told that "he would never recover".

The indecent haste of a particular section of the mass media to get rid of president Chávez is a reflection of how much they hate what he represents: the Bolivarian revolution, the extraordinary social conquests achieved in Venezuela, the stated aim of going towards socialism and a firm stance in opposition to US imperialist meddling in Latin America.

To them we say, louder than ever: Hands Off Venezuela!

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