Most of the trade union activists arrested in Pakistan on May Day have been released, but some are still being held!

The latest news we have from Pakistan about the trade union activists arrested on May Day is that all the comrades with the exception of two in Pashawar have been released on bail. The comrades in Peshawar are still being held, but pressure is being put on the authorities. Our campaign must now continue until ALL the arrested comrades are released. We are publishing a selection of the protest letters we have received.

The latest news we have from Pakistan about the trade union activists arrested on May Day is that all the comrades with the exception of two in Pashawar have been released on bail. The comrades in Peshawar are still being held, but pressure is being put on the authorities. This means that our campaign is getting more and more effective. This must encourage us to continue until ALL the arrested comrades are released. The letters of protest received are being circulated in Pakistan and are highly appreciated by the comrades. They thank us for the hard work all our supporters have been putting into this campaign. Collections should now continue to be organised and all the people who have protested should be approached for a donation to help financing the bails. [Details of how to get the money to the PTUDC can be found in our previous material on this issued on Thursday, May 4]

Below we are publishing a selection of the protest letters we have received. Others are still being sent. In Britain, for instance, Nigel Pearce of the National Union of Miners Executive Committee, has sent a protest letter and many others from the British trade union movement are coming in.


The news has reached me that many people were arrested when they were peacefully demonstrating during Mayday. It is in breach of international law to prevent people from expressing their opinion. Therefor I protest against what has happened and hope the question will be rapidly resolved.
Youth faithfully,
Ove Schramm,
Law student at the University of Stockholm

Dear Sir,
I strongly protest against the arrest of TU and PPP activists during the mayday demonstrations in your country. All people must have the right to show their opinion, and if this right is suppressed this gives your country a bad reputation. The arrests has caused a lot of anger amongst people in Sweden. I therefore demand the release of all those arrested and the end of all restrictions for political and TU activity.
Martin Oscarsson
(member of the branch committee of the Social Democratic Branch in Gothenburg, Sweden and delegate to the regional party conference in Gothenburg.)

To: Chief Executive of Pakistan
Sir, General Musharraf
We would like to express our strongest protest against the arrests of peaceful demonstrators on Mayday in Pakistan.
To demonstrate is a basic democratic right, won by the labour movement after years of struggle. We demand the immediate and unconditional release of all the arrested demonstrators. We will otherwise raise this issue and expand the campaign broader in the Swedish labour movement. We are looking forward to hear about the release of the arrested demonstrators.
Transport workers Union
Dept. 3 Gothenburg
Roger Hultgren
May 08, 2001

Dear Sir,
I has come to may knowledge that the police in Pakistan has arrested peaceful demonstrators on Mayday. I think it is important for the government of Pakistan to respect labor movements rights. I urgent appeal to You investigate in this matter and do all You can to get the arrested immediately released.
Yours sincerely,
Lena Ericson Hoijer
Trade union representative
Swedish Municipal workers union


Il sottoscritto Minadeo Domenico, conosciuta attraverso il Pakistan Trade Union Defense Campaign, la situazione di repression del movimento sindacale in Pakistan, e in particolare gli arresti di numerosi miltanti fra i quali , Shahida Jabeen, Ghulam Haider, Amjad Shola, Wilson, a seguito delle manifestazioni del Primo Maggio, Richiede l'immediato rilascio di tutti gli arrestati e la piena garanzia dei diritti democratici e sindacali per il movimento dei lavoratori Pakistani.
Domenico Minadeo,
5 May 2001

Ambasciata del Pakistan,
Via Camilluccia , 682
00135 Roma
La FILCEA/CGIL di IMOLA ( Sindacato lavoratori e lavoratrici chimici) conosciuta attraverso il PAKISTAN TRADE UNION DEFENCE CAMPAIGN, la situazione di repressione del movimento sindacale in Pakistan, e in particolare gli arresti di numerosi militanti fra i quali Shahida Jabeen, Ghulam Haider, Amjad Shola, Wilson a seguito delle manifestazioni del 1^ maggio RICHIEDE L'immediato rilascio di tutti gli arrestati e la garanzia di pieni diritti sindacali e democratici per il movimento dei lavoratori pakistani.
Via Emilia, 44
40026 Imola (Bo)

PROTESTO VIVAMENTE CONTRO GLI ARRESTI DEL 1°MAGGIO 2001, come lavoratore e delegato sindacale eletto democraticamente come rappresentante delle mie compagne e i miei compagni di lavoro, contro il governo del Pakistan che incarcera chi in Pakistan manifesta in difesa dei propri diritti e per il miglioramento delle condizioni di vita delle lavoratrice e dei lavoratore, contro i massicci piani di privatizzazione ed il regime autoritario che li sta attuando. Il 1° maggio, la festa dei lavoratori, e' una festa internazionale, scritta nella memoria del movimento dei lavoratori mondiale prima ancora che sancita ufficialmente nei calendari di molte nazioni. E' il simbolo piu' forte della solidarieta' che unisce ogni giorno ed in ogni luogo lavoratrici e lavoratori contro sfruttamento e repressione. Percio' chi reprime ed incarcera lavoratori e militanti sindacali in qualsiasi paese del mondo, quindi anche in Pakistan, offende e deve essere denunciato di fronte a tutti i lavoratori del modo ed alle loro organizzazioni sindacali. Tutti gli amici e compagni pachistani di ogni lavoratrice e lavoratori in Italia e nel mondo, tra i quali conosco i soli nomi di Shaida Jabeen, Ghulam Haider, Amjad Shola, Wilson, arrestati solo per aver tenuto discorsi e partecipato alle manifestazioni del 1° maggio 2001 in Pakistan, devono tornare alla libertà.
Bacchelli Davide,
delegato Fiom-CGIL, Bologna,
May 06, 2001

To the Attention of the Ambassador
Dear Sir,
We learn from an international appeal launched by the Pakistan Trade Union Defence Campaign that last May Day, during several meetings and demonstrations, arrests have been made against trade union members and leaders. Only some of their names are known to us:
Shaida Jabeen
Ghulam Haider
Amjad Shola
According to the appeal we received on Mai 3rd, all these comrades are still in jail. As members of political and trade union organization in Italy, we strongly demand their immediate release and the end of any repression of trade union rights in your country. We also wish to inform you that we commit ourselves to do every thing is possible to inform the Italian people of this shameful situation, in which the most elementary right of Trade Union organization is denied.
Your sincerely
Claudio Bellotti (membro della Direzione nazionale del Partito della Rifondazione Comunista
Gabriele Donato, Alessandro Giardiello, Jacopo Renda, Giuseppe Letizia (membri del Comitato Politico Nazionale del Prc)
Antonio Forlano (del Direttivo della Filt-Cgil di Milano)
Dario Salvetti (Coordinamento Nazionale dei Giovani Comunisti)
Sara Parlavecchia (Comitati in Difesa della Scuola Pubblica)

For the Attention of the Ambassador and governor
10 May 2001
Dear Sir,
We learn from an international appeal launched by the Pakistan Trade Union Defence Campaign that last May Day, during several meetings and demonstrations, arrests have been made against trade union members and leaders. Only some of their names are known to us:
Shaida Jabeen
Ghulam Haider
Amjad Shola
According to the appeal we received on May 3rd, all these comrades are still in jail. As members of political and trade union organisations in Italy, we strongly demand their immediate release and the end of any repression of trade union rights in your country. We also wish to inform you that we commit ourselves to do every thing is possible to inform the Italian people of this shameful situation, in which the most elementary right of Trade Union organization is denied.
Your sincerely
Brini Paolo (Rsu Smalti Modena Fiom-CGIL)
Ficiara' Piero (Rsu Terim Fiom-CGIL)
Di Francesco Marco (Rsu EME Fiom-CGIL)

I Giovani Comunisti di Parma protestano contro la violenta repressione che in Pakistan ha portato, nel corso dellle manifestazioni indette per il primo maggio, all'arresto di alcuni attivisti sindacali e ne richiedono l'immediato rilascio.
Giovani Comunisti di Parma
4 May 2001

Venuto a sapere dell'ingiustificato arresto, lo scorso 1 maggio, di migliaia di attivisti sindacali e militanti dell'opposizione in generale invio messaggio di protesta e chiedo l'immediato rilascio di tutti gli arrestati e la garanzia di pieni diritti sindacali e democratici per il movimento dei lavoratori Pakistani. Non si ferma con la violenza le legittime manifestazioni del movimento sindacale in Pakistan. Siate sicuri che mi impegnerò in prima persona in solidarietà dei militanti arrestati denunciando apertamente la repressione ingiustificabile del governo pakistano.
Liberi tutte/i.
Giampiero Palermo
membro della Direzione Provinciale, Federazione di Cosenza, del Partito della Rifondazione Comunista.
5 May 2001

To The Pakistani Government , General Musharraf
Copy to the Press Office of the Pakistani Embassy in Rome, Italy
Our network has come to learn that your government has given the order to arrest and actually arrested many trade union leaders and militants after May Day celebrations in several cities of Pakistan. We disapprove this measure that you adopted and ask you to release those people, among which are Shahida Jabeen, Ghulam Haider, Amid Shola and comrade Wilson. All of them supporters of the well known Pakistan Trade Union Defence Campaign (PTUDC).
Francisco Soretes,
40054 Budrio (Bologna)- Via Mori 70 in Prunaro,
May 9 2001

I sottoscritti, conosciuta attraverso il Pakistan Trade Defence Union Defence Campaign, la situazione di repressione del movimento sindacale in Pakistan, e in particolare gli arresti di numerosi militanti fra i quali Shahida Jabeen, Ghulam Haider, Amjad Shola, Wilson, a seguito delle manifestazioni del Primo Maggio, Richiedono L'immediato rilascio di tutti gli arrestati e la garanzia di pieni diritti sindacali e democratici per il movimento dei lavoratori Pakistani.
Mario Iavazzi (CGIL-BOLOGNA)
Giancarla Bruschi (CGIL-BOLOGNA)

To the Pakistan Government
I urge you to free the leaders of the Pakistan Trade Union Defence Campaign, and all the other people arrested during the pacific march of the 1st of May, that took place in a lot of cities of Pakistan. The freedom of expressing personal opinion is one of the first right in any civilized country.
Enrico PIERONI, FIOM/CGIL leader, Cagliari, Sardinia, ITALY, 07 May 2001

These are other italian trade union leaders who recently support our appeal:
ABDOU FAYE (in charge in the immigration office - CGIL), P.le Cella 63 UDINE
FABRIZIO DI PASCOLI (leader of the PRC Udine),V.Baldasseria bassa 169 UD
PAOLO CICUTTIN (in the provincial executive PRC UD) Borgo Puppo 95, UDINE
ELISABETTA ROSSI (leader in the Friuli PRC)V.S.Maria crocifissa di rosa 6, UDINE

Augustin Breda -shop steward at the Zanussi plant in Susegana, and member of the CC of the FIOM (metalwrokers' union) also sent a message of protest on May 10th

Also an appeal and petition has been sent to trade unionists all over Italy


Mexico picket report
Yesterday, Wednesday 10, some 45 people held a picket in front of the Pakistani embassy in Mexico to protest against the repression on May Day. With banners and placards demanding the immediate release of all those arrested and with arrest warrants they stayed outside the embassy for about an hour and a half shouting slogans and blocking the embassy entrance. They were received by a civil servant who informed them that "the ambassador had just left" but took a copy of the protest letter signed by dozens of trade union and student activists. The picket was addressed by several comrades who stressed the importance of working class internationalism and ended with the singing of the Internationale. All the placards and posters were pasted to the embassy walls. All the comrades are very pleased with the positive news about the situation of the comrades and send revolutionary greetings to the Pakistani comrades. The report of the intervention on May Day in Pakistan has been circulated to all branches and the comrades are very impressed with the excellent work.
Mexico City, 11/5/01

From Mexican Members of Parliament
To Pakistan CE General Musharraf
CC Pakistan Trade Union Defence Campaign
We wish to express our strongest complain against the repression applied in Pakistan during the celebration of May Day. The celebration of International Workers Day is a democratic right which should be respected in all countries as part of the basic human rights. We demand the immediate release of all those arrested on May Day and an end to the repression against the trade union and left wing movement. Particularly we demand the release of the following activists: Shahida Jabeen General Secretary of the PPP Women's Wing Shahid Azar [leader of the teacher's union in Sadiqabad] Mohammad Ashraf [leader of the union at the Sugar Mill in Sadiqabad] and the three activists arrested during the May Day celebration at the Railway Workers Colony in Peshawar: Ghulam Haider, Amjad Shola, Wilson
Members of the Mexican Parliament for the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD):
1. Genoveva Dominguez Rodriguez, 2. Miroslava Garcia Suarez, 3. Rafael Hernandez Estrada, 4. Auldárico Hernandez Geronimo, 5. Francisco Patino Cardona, 6. Miguel Bortolini Castillo, 7. Petra Santos Ortiz, 8. Uuc-kib Espadas Ancona
México DF, May 7th, 2001

To Pakistan CE General Musharraf
CC Pakistan Trade Union Defence Campaign
We wish to express our strongest complain against the repression applied in Pakistan during the celebration of May Day. The celebration of International Workers Day is a democratic right which should be respected in all countries as part of the basic human rights. We demand the immediate release of all those arrested on May Day and an end to the repression against the trade union and left wing movement. Particularly we demand the release of the following activists: Shahida Jabeen General Secretary of the PPP Women's Wing Shahid Azar [leader of the teacher's union in Sadiqabad] Mohammad Ashraf [leader of the union at the Sugar Mill in Sadiqabad] and the three activists arrested during the May Day celebration at the Railway Workers Colony in Peshawar: Ghulam Haider, Amjad Shola, Wilson
Editorial Board of Militante newspaper
Central Committee of the Students' Committee to Defend State Education, CEDEP,
Struggle Committee of the High School of Mechanical and ElectricalEngineering, CLESIME,
Rosalba Ramos, Rank and File Insurgent Movement, Party of the Democratic Revolution, PRD
Francisco Lara, Tenants Organisation, UVVAC
Carlo del Angel, Committee for the Socialist Youth, Party of the Democratic Revolution, PRD
Federico Cortes Corona, member of the Mexican Electricians Union, SME
Jose' Luis Ruiz, member of the PRD, Neza
Jose' Luis Aguilar, Tenants Organisation Colonia La Estrella, Ecatepec
Ricardo Nataren Delgado, PRD Committee, Pijijiapan, Chiapas
Amauri Solis, PRD Committee Las Margaritas, Pijijiapan, Chiapas
Ramon Campos, member of the trade union of the Mexican Postal Service
Mexico DF, May 7th, 2001


Dear sirs,
we demand the immediate release of all trade unionists having been arrested on Mayday. It is a shame that in the 21st century it is still the case that trade unions are confronted with state repression just for defending the rights and interests of working men and women. We will keep ourselves informed about the situation in Pakistan and we will go on to support the Pakistani trade unions in their struggle. You should know that you can not do anything you want without the protest from trade unionists in the west.
Gernot Trausmuth, Editorial board of "Der Funke"
Eva Nesensohn, chairwoman of the Young Socialists Vorarlberg, Austria
Tanja Kreinbucher and Manuel Kaufmann,
Executive Committee of the Young Socialists, Austria
Der Funke,,, Postfach 112, 1096 Wien
May 04, 2001

To Chief Executive of Pakistan
Concerning Imprisonment of PTUDC Members
Dear Mr. President!
We, the Austrian Railway workers' Union and our 104 000 affiliates are concerned by the message that 6 leading colleagues of the PTUDC and PPP have been imprisoned during the rallies to celebrate the international workers day. It is completely unacceptable for us that in your country people who are raising the voice of the concerns of workers are subjected to state oppression. It is a shame that in your country freedom of speech is not guaranteed to our fellow trade-union colleagues. Especially the imprisonment of our sister Shaida Jabeen at the railway station of Karachi, right before she was able to rise her voice at the central rally of the PPP, is shameful and without any reason. Because of her activities on behalf of woman and democracy her reputation exceeds widely beyond the borders of Pakistan. The imprisonment of leading trade-unionists is a blow against human rights and democratic transition in your country. Our demand is the immediate release of following comrades:
Shaida Jabeen, Ghulam Haider, Amjad Shola, Wilson, Shahid Azar, Mohammed Asraf
They are still in police custody, whereas other prominent political and NGO leaders have been released. In addition to that we ask you to stop the victimisation and the raiding of the homes of any PTUDC activists. We will not rest until we get the news that the personal freedom of the afore mentioned comrades is re-established. We hope to learn of these comrades release from prison.
Yours sincerely
Harald Voitl, 08.05.2001
Gewerkschaft der Eisenbahner Osterreich Internationales Referat / International Department

To his Excellency the ambassador of Pakistan
Concerning Imprisonment of PTUDC Members
Dear Sir,
We are concerned by the message that 6 leading comrades of the PTUDC and PPP have been imprisoned during the rallies to celebrate the international workers day. It is completely unacceptable for us that in your country people who are raising the voice of the concerns of workers are subjected to state oppression. It is a shame that in your country freedom of speech is not guaranteed to our fellow trade-union comrades. Especially the imprisonment of comrade Shaida Jabeen at the railway station of Karachi, right before she was able to rise her voice at the central rally of the PPP, is shameful and without any reason. Because of her activities on behalf of woman and democracy her reputation exceeds widely beyond the borders of Pakistan. The imprisonment of leading trade-unionists is a blow against human rights and democratic transition in your country. Our demand is the immediate release of following comrades:
Shaida Jabeen, Ghulam Haider, Amjad Shola, Wilson, Shahid Azar, Mohammed Asraf
They are still in police custody, whereas other prominent political and NGO leaders have been released. In addition to that we ask you to stop the victimisation and the raiding of the homes of any PTUDC activists. We will not rest until we get the news that the personal freedom of the afore mentioned comrades is re-established. We hope to learn of these comrades release from prison.
Yours sincerely
Herbert De Colle, Austria, May 08, 2001

To Chief Executive of Pakistan
Concerning the Imprisonment of PTUDC Members
Dear Sirs and Madams,
We are concerned by the message that 6 leading comrades of the PTUDC and PPP have been imprisoned during the rallies to celebrate the international workers day. It is completely unacceptable for us that in your country people who are raising the voice of the concerns of workers are subjected to state oppression. It is a shame that in your country freedom of speech is not guaranteed to our fellow trade-union comrades. Especially the imprisonment of comrade Shaida Jabeen at the railway station of Karachi, right before she was able to rise her voice at the central rally of the PPP, is shameful and without any reason. Because of her activities on behalf of woman and democracy her reputation exceeds widely beyond the borders of Pakistan. The imprisonment of leading trade-unionists is a blow against human rights and democratic transition in your country. Our demand is the immediate release of following comrades:
Shaida Jabeen, Ghulam Haider, Amjad Shola, Wilson, Shahid Azar, Mohammed Asraf
They are still in police custody, whereas other prominent political and NGO leaders have been released. In addition to that we ask you to stop the victimisation and the raiding of the homes of any PTUDC activists. We will not rest until we get the news that the personal freedom of the aforementioned comrades is re-established. We hope to learn of these comrades release from prison.
Yours sincerely
Michael Bonvalot, May 09, 2001

To his Excellency the ambassador of Pakistan
Concerning the imprisonment of PTUDC Members
Dear Sir,
My name is Mag. Michael Probsting. I'm working as an independent journalist and I have been informed about the arrests of several PTUDC members. I issue the letter of protest below and will inform the public in my country about this scandal. We are concerned by the message that 6 leading comrades of the PTUDC and PPP have been imprisoned during the rallies to celebrate the international workers day. It is completely unacceptable for us that in your country people who are raising the voice of the concerns of workers are subjected to state oppression. It is a shame that in your country freedom of speech is not guaranteed to our fellow trade-union comrades. Especially the imprisonment of comrade Shaida Jabeen at the railway station of Karachi, right before she was able to rise her voice at the central rally of the PPP, is shameful and without any reason. Because of her activities on behalf of woman and democracy her reputation exceeds widely beyond the borders of Pakistan. The imprisonment of leading trade-unionists is a blow against human rights and democratic transition in your country. Our demand is the immediate release of following comrades:
Shaida Jabeen, Ghulam Haider, Amjad Shola, Wilson, Shahid Azar, Mohammed Asraf
They are still in police custody, whereas other prominent political and NGO leaders have been released. In addition to that we ask you to stop the victimisation and the raiding of the homes of any PTUDC activists. We will not rest until we get the news that the personal freedom of the aforementioned comrades is re-established. We hope to learn of these comrades release from prison.
Yours sincerely
Mag. Michael Probsting, May 08, 2001


To: GENERAL MUSHARRAF (President of Pakistan Government)
Subject: Release of workers' leaders arrested on May Day in Pakistan
As General Secretary of Land's Workers Federation in Axarquia-Malaga (Spain), affiliated to the General Workers Union of Spain, I condemn the repression to the Pakistan workers and urge to you to order the release of workers' leaders arrested on May Day in Pakistan. Particularly, I urge to you to order the release of the following workers' leaders: Ghulam Haider, Amjad Shola, Wilson, Shahida Jabeen
Antonio Hijano
General Secretary of Land's Workers Federation in Axarquia-Malaga (Spain)
May 08, 2000

To: GENERAL MUSHARRAF (President of Pakistan Government)
Subject: Release of workers' leaders arrested on May Day in Pakistan
As General Secretary of Women Association in El Borge-Malaga (Spain), I condemn the repression to the Pakistan workers and urge to you to order the release of workers' leaders arrested on May Day in Pakistan. Particularly, I urge to you to order the release of the following workers' leaders: Ghulam Haider, Amjad Shola, Wilson, Shahida Jabeen
Maria M. Molero
General Secretary of Women Association in El Borge-Malaga (Spain)
May 8, 2001

We have known about the arrests of trade unionists in Pakistan on May Day. We demand the immediate release of those workers and the cease of repression against the workers movement, as well as the restrictions to democracy, in Pakistan.
XAQUIN Gª SINDE, member of the Regional Executive Committee of CCOO(Workers Commissions union) in Galicia.
JOSE' R. RICO and ARTURO LLAGO, members of the Executive Committee of the CCOO shipbuilding workers branch in Ferrol.
May 7, 2001


I am writing in protest against all political arrests on May Day in Pakistan. Amongst others, Ghulam Haider, Amjad Shola, and Wilson in Peshawar, and Shahida Jabeen in the Karachi Central Jail. The actions of the Pakistani government have not fallen upon blind eyes but upon the sightful eyes of trade unionists world wide! The Political oppression of union members and opposition leaders is being met with protest world wide and will continue to do so until these champions of workers' rights are freed.
Sean O'Quinn
Member United Food Commercial Workers Local 400
May 8, 2001


As a Canadian Member of Parliament I strive to uphold the rights of all people to assemble, speak, organize and voice dissent. The arrest of Ghulam Haider, Amjad Shola and Wilson is an injury to the rights of all people. I call on the government of Pakistan to uphold UN conventions on civic and political rights, and release these labour and political activists. This denial of basic human rights and the right of workers to basic safety conditions is shocking and I urge the government to recognize the rights of workers and to assemble to defend their interests.
Yours Sincerely,
Libby Davies, Member of Parliament
Vancouver East, Canada

To Chief Executive of Pakistan
Subject: Protest against May 1st arrests.
I am writing in protest against all political arrests on May Day in Pakistan. Amongst others, Ghulam Haider, Amjad Shola, and Wilson in Peshawar, and Shahida Jabeen in the Karachi Central Jail. They must be freed immediately. Political oppression of Trade Unionists and opposition figures must end if Pakistan is ever to have a decent standard of living. Actions taken against our comrades in Pakistan will raise international protest against the Pakistani Government.
Alex Grant
President - Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 2278.
Federal Councillor - New Democratic Party of Canada.
7 May 2001


I demand the immediately release of the Union members and Union leaders (GHULAN HAIDER; AMJAD SHOLA; WILSON; SHAHIDA JABEEN, etc...) arrested in Karachi and all over Pakistan. More than ever will the treatment of the Unions by your Government be closely watched by the INTERNATIONAL UNION ORGANISATIONS.
Executive member A.C.O.C. OSTEND branch (Belgian Union of all public sector workers),
Ostende, Belgium, 7/5/01

To Chief Executive of Pakistan
Concerning Imprisonment of PTUDC Members
Dear Sir/Madame,
It came to my hearing that the Pakistan government has arrested several members of the Pakistan Trade Union Defence Campaign and the PPP, while they were protesting peacefully on the occasion of May Day. As you may know, this is a grave violation of a most fundamental human right, namely the freedom of speech. Therefore, I urge you to release immediately ALL of them. Particularly I demand the release of the following activists: Shahida Jabeen General Secretary of the PPP Women's Wing, Shahid Azar [leader of the teacher's union in Sadiqabad], Mohammad Ashraf [leader of the union at the Sugar Mill in Sadiqabad] and the three activists arrested during the May Day celebration at the Railway Workers Colony in Peshawar: Ghulam Haider, Amjad Shola, Wilson. In the mean time I will spread this news to the Belgian public and the unions of Indonesia.
Wim Benda, Belgian union activist in Indonesia, 10.5.01


Dear comrades,
I have phoned the embassy and consulate and voiced protest. The staff told me to phone again tomorrow morning since nobody of the top level was there at the moment. Formal letters will be faxed there tonight so that they will have to read and respond. I will raise the issue at a union conference later this week.
Hans Gerd Offinger,
Germany, 7.5.2001


Subject: For the release of TU Leaders in Pakistan
This is from Saurobijay - an activist of 'Communist League' a trotskyst organisation of India. I am now currently working in West Bengal. We have downloaded the material regarding banning the rally of May Day by Musharaf. We have influence in a few trade unions. In the trade union bulletin we have already decided to publish the news. We will definitely campaign it to the fullest extent.
with comradely greetings
RCL Calcutta, 7/5/01


Resolution voted unanimously from the delegates of the 24th Athens Trade Unions Congress.
We, the delegates of the 24th Congress of Athens Trade unions which is been held from 4 to 6 of May 2001, have been aware that in the May Day 2001, workers and trade union activists has been arrest by yours military regime because they participated in the rallies for May Day. May Day is a day of memory and strike for the working class all over the world. The participation in these rallies is a self-evident duty for every worker in the world. The delegates of the 24th Congress deem the arrest of our Pakistan colleagues as a flagrant violation of the elementary democratic rights such as the right of participation in the demos and the rallies. Every one of these arrests in every place of the World against our workers colleagues is also a blow against us. We demand the immediate and unconditional release of our Pakistan colleagues and the end of any future persecutions against them or any other worker or trade union activist.
May 6th 2001

We have been informing about the arrests of Pakistan colleagues during the May Day rallies. We consider these arrests as undemocratic and we demand the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners, the dropping of all charges and of the orders of arrests against the trade union leaders.
Tzolis Hristos: Member of PASOK YOUTH Central Committee
Kanelopoulou Asimina: Member of PASOK YOUTH Central Committee
Dafnis Stelios: Member PASOK YOUTH Central Committee
Tsitonis Takis: Member PASOK YOUTH Central Committee
Karagianopoulos Stamatis: Member of Athens PASOK YOUTH Committee
Kanelopoulou Christina: Member of Athens PASOK YOUTH Committee


To The Ambassador, Embassy of Pakistan in Denmark
We would like to express our strongest protest against the arrests of peaceful demonstrators on Mayday in Pakistan. To demonstrate is a basic democratic right, won by the labour movement after years of struggle. We demand the immediate and unconditional release of all the arrested demonstrators. We will otherwise raise this issue and expand the campaign broader in the Danish labour movement. We are looking forward to hearing about the release of the arrested demonstrators.
The Editorial Board of the Danish Social-Democratic paper
Denmark, 11 May 2001