Pakistan: new issue of Monthly Worker Nama available now in PDF!

Click below to read the latest paper of Lal Salaam, Pakistan Section of IMT, in the Urdu language. The latest issue has articles about the plight of workers in lockdown and tasks ahead after this May Day. It also has articles on the crisis of world economy, how a socialist revolution and a planned economy will solve all these crises, the political crisis of federal government and PPP in Sindh, the effect of the pandemic on the plight of women and much more!

The issue includes reports of workers' struggles in the country are. A special report about the plight of migrant workers in the Gulf countries and an article on the economic crisis in Saudi Arabia are also included. The Editorial says that to die of hunger and disease is not the inevitable fate of workers in Pakistan, and we should fight for our lives against this system.

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Worker Nama

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