Pakistan: National Winter Marxist Youth School

The annual National Winter Marxist Youth School was held from December 2 to 4 in Multan. In spite of the very long distances and difficult economic situation more than 133 comrades (including 20 females) from all over the country participated in the school with great revolutionary spirit. Debates, discussions and overall discipline at the school demonstrated a high ideological, political and cultural level of the comrades.

The National Marxist School was held in this extraordinary period when capitalism is in terminal decay due to its built in contradictions and the working class and youth all over the world are entering into the arena of history to take their destinies into their own hands. They are not only fighting the austerity cuts being imposed upon them by bourgeois states but also learning rapidly from the events unfolding every day. The masses on a world scale are now concluding that capitalism is no longer working and should be replaced with a better socio-economic system.

Comrade Asad Pitafi from the host region welcomed the participating comrades and appreciated the revolutionary spirit which they showed by coming long distances and from remote areas in spite of the social and economic difficulties. Shortly after the opening speech, the first session started which was chaired by comrade Mahbloos and led off by comrade Rahul. Topic of the first session was World and Pakistan Perspectives and comrade Rahul in his detailed lead off explained the world crisis of capitalism and the movements of the working class and youth emerging as a result. The role of China as a potential imperialist power, the expected collapse of the European Union, the crisis of American Capitalism, perspectives for the Arab revolution, the world Occupy movement and the contradictory relationships between the different imperialist powers were explained in detail. The crisis of the Pakistani state and the conflicts within its pillars, the political and economic crisis on a national scale and non-issues being imposed by the ruling classes through the media and the state were also part of the lead off.

The lead off was followed by questions raised by the audience, after which comrades from different parts of the country started making their contributions. In his sum up comrade Rahul said that things would get worse in Pakistan under a system that has become obsolete on a world scale. The Pakistani masses have started drawing conclusions from the events unfolding on a world scale and they would rise soon following the example of their class brothers and sisters in Europe, the Middle East and America. A mass movement in Pakistan, this time, would be at a much higher level than 1968-69, both qualitatively and quantitatively. We are building a mass revolutionary party on Bolshevik lines under whose leadership any such movement would draw its logical conclusions. A socialist revolution in Pakistan would be an inevitable result of such a mass movement.

After the lunch break the second session was held which was chaired by comrade Nihal Khan and the lead off was by comrade Rashid Khalid. Topic of the second session was the History of the French Revolution. Comrade Rashid in his lead off beautifully analyzed the background to the French Revolution on the basis of Historical Materialism. He then explained the marvellous events related to the French Revolution, its different phases and the role of prominent figures like Maximilian Robespierre, Jean Paul Marat and others. In the last part of his lead off he explained the degeneration of the revolution and the objective and subjective factors that gave rise to Napoleon Bonaparte. Many comrades made their contributions and answered the questions asked by the audience. Apart from the famous and widely known first French Revolution, other revolutionary movements of the working class and youth of France, especially the Paris Commune of 1871 and revolution of 1968, were also discussed. Comrade Rashid while summing up the session said that the real heroes of the revolution were the toiling masses of France who wrote a new chapter in human history with their blood. Bourgeois historians can only analyze he history in a mechanical manner. The role of individuals in history cannot be ignored but extraordinary historical events like the French Revolution are always steered by the collective courage and effort of the masses. Sessions on the first day continued from 10am to 8pm.

On December 3rd, the third session started with the topic “Imperialism, highest stage of Capitalism”. It was chaired by comrade Amjad Shahsawar. Comrade Kaleem Shaukat in his lead off explained the evolution and different phases of world capitalism. He beautifully analyzed the era of colonialism, motives of the colonialists and the conflicts between different colonial powers. The evolution and role of the multinationals that emerged in the twentieth century were also explained. The reasons behind two world wars and various other regional conflicts were also explained. The role of American imperialism and the Stalinist bureaucracy in the Soviet Union during the Cold War and American Imperialism in the post-Soviet era was also explained. He also explained the nature of imperialism in the current era when capitalism itself is in terminal decay. A lot of comrades contributed and made the discussion rich and comprehensive.

Comrade Kaleem while summing up the session said that imperialism is an inevitable result of capitalism. Imperialist states are nothing but tools in the hands of big multinationals, cartels and monopolies. Mass movements in the big imperialist countries show that it is neither a national nor religious war but a class war. A world economy and integrated politics created by capitalism is providing the basis of its own negation, as can be seen by the worldwide revolutionary movements. Hence, a worldwide socialist federation is the destiny of humanity. It was the dream of comrade Lenin whose perspective and analysis of imperialism is still valid today.

The fourth session started in the evening which was chaired by comrade Awais Qarni and led off by comrade Adam Pal. Topic of the fourth session was the “History of the American Revolution”. Comrade Adam in his comprehensive and detailed lead off explained each and every aspect of the Revolutionary War of Independence of America. He said that unlike the common belief that communism is something alien to America, the ancient inhabitants of America (indigenous people) used to live in a classless society. Each and every epoch of modern American history is replete with class struggle. The American working class has a glorious revolutionary history and Marxism is not an ‘Un-American idea’ at all. The recent Occupy Movement in America didn’t come as a shock to the Marxists, unlike many bourgeoisie analysts. He also explained the influence of the American and French revolutions upon each other. After the lead off many comrades made their contributions and analyzed major events in American history on a class basis. Comrade Adam in his sum up said that in a revolutionary movement of the working class and youth in an advanced capitalist country like America, the masses would draw very advanced conclusions in a short time period. We can already see that slogans and demands of the Occupy Movement in America are very radical and advanced, which reflects the higher level of class consciousness of the American masses. The Occupy movement is a revolution in its initial phase. There can be a momentary lull in a revolutionary movement but the masses would strike back each time with more power and accuracy. Our American sympathisers are already growing and the comrades are actively participating in the Occupy Wall Street movement. A socialist revolution in America would have tremendous effects on the revolutionary movements all over the world.

Various commissions were held during the first two days of the school in which comrades discussed organizational matters and strategy to work among the youth in an efficient way. Reports from different regions were also collected. A meeting of the National Women’s Bureau was also held in the evening of 3 December. It was chaired by comrade Rehana and attended by 20 female comrades. Comrade Saira explained the proposed strategy which could be adopted to reach the wider layers of women. All the comrades explained their views and reports from different regions were collected. Targets regarding the female participation in Congress 2012 were also drawn up.

On December 4thwas the last session of the school regarding the strategy of work among the youth all over the country, chaired by comrade Rashid Khalid and led off by comrade Rashid Sheikh, who explained how important the role of youth is in a revolution and what tactics should be adopted in order to cover wider layers of youth. The lead off was followed by the regional reports from the whole section.

Throughout the five sessions many comrades could not make their contributions due to time constraints. During the sessions many comrades sang revolutionary anthems and the overall environment was full of enthusiasm and energy.

Senior comrade Pervaiz Malik in his final remarks said that after attending the school his energy level was that of a teenager. Comrade Asad Pitafi said that the quality of debates in the school has strengthened his faith that there is nothing more beautiful than the revolution. Comrade Adam Pal summed up the whole school by saying that our most dangerous enemy is time. Revolutions all over the world are gaining pace and we should accelerate our work accordingly. We have set ourselves a great task that requires great commitment as well. The quality of discussions in this school has strengthened our confidence in ourselves and our ideology. A whole new era is waiting for us.

The school was concluded by singing the Internationale.

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