Painting Britain red: help lay revolutionary foundations in your area!

Socialist Appeal’s campaign to organise communists and hit the 1000 membership milestone is going from strength to strength. New branches are springing up across Britain. Join us today, and help build the forces of Marxism in your area.

The International Marxist Tendency’s ‘Are you a communist?’ campaign – our recruitment drive to reach 1000 members across Britain – continues apace!

Comrades are recruiting and building branches in new parts of the country with elan and determination.

The Marxists are painting Britain red. Join us today to get organised, and help lay the foundations for revolution in your area!

Fighting capitalism in the capital

Amongst the achievements of the campaign so far, we’re proud to announce that we have reached the milestone of having 250 comrades in London, organised in 24 different branches across the city.

Off the back of impressive growth in west London, for example, our existing Kensington branch has voted to create two additional branches in Hammersmith and Fulham. 

Similarly, a branch has recently been formed in Tooting, south London. This is composed of four brand new comrades who have all joined in the last fortnight, paying an average monthly membership donation of £63.

This puts us well on course to meet our target of 30 branches in the capital by September, with the aim of building new branches in Barking, Stratford, and Harrow, amongst others.

Communism: Coming to a town near you…

Nationally, we’ve identified over 20 towns and cities with the potential for new branches to be created before the end of the year.

In Greater Manchester, comrades are targeting three areas in the region to build new branches – places where people have already written in asking to join. This is on top of our two existing branches in the city of Manchester itself. 

Our Devon & Cornwall branch, meanwhile, has now divided into a Cornwall branch and a Plymouth branch, on the back of a spurt of recruitment in the South West.

And nearby, we are close to forming a third branch in Bristol, thanks to seven new joiners in the city over the last month.

A second branch in Hull is also on the way, after the comrades recruited five new members in two weeks. And further down the east coast, Ipswich is set to see its second IMT branch soon, thanks to rapid growth over the last year and a half, since it was first founded.

Get organised! Help us build!

We’ve never seen anything like this. We’ve been inundated with reports of new recruits. The potential for new branches exists everywhere.

Whether you’re new to the IMT, or have been involved for decades, we can all be equally inspired by the success of this campaign for communism so far. And we can all play our part in building the forces of Marxism.

If you’re a university student, for example, and are returning to your hometown over the summer, then you should make serious plans to build a new branch in this location.

Our recent recruitment shows that we can establish groups of communists anywhere, as long as we are armed with energy, enthusiasm, and the ideas of Marxism.

Join us

If you want more information about joining the RCI, fill in this form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.