عظیم بالشویک انقلاب کی سالگرہ پرریلیاں اورسیمینار
Urdu translation of Bolshevik Day in Pakistan: Protests against privatisation, price hikes and unemployment (November 11, 2008)عالمی مالیاتی دھندوں میں مندا
Urdu translation of Panic in world markets (October 10, 2008)پاکستان کا موجودہ بحران اور پیپلز پارٹی
Urdu translation of The present crisis and the Pakistan People’s Party (November 11, 2008)کارل مارکس کی واپسی
Urdu translation of The return of Karl Marx (October 23, 2008)امریکہ،جنہیں سرمایہ داری پر بہت ناز تھاوہ بت ٹوٹ گئے
Urdu translation of 'World Capitalism in crisis' part one and part two (September 26 & 29, 2008).Ted Grant obituary by Munno Bhai
Munno Bhai wrote an obituary for Ted Grant. The text, in Urdu, is available here as an image.
Latest Edition of "The Struggle" in Urdu
For anyone who can read Urdu we are making the latest edition available in jpg format.
The construction of Kalabagh Dam in Sindh (Pakistan)
By Lal Khan, editor of the Marxist fortnightly "The Struggle".Pakistani paper reviews Alan Woods article on Afganistan
In the Saturday issue of the Jang - the biggest daily paper in Pakistan, the well-known columnist Munnoo Bhai published extensive extracts from Alan's article The fall of Kabul with the comment that this is the "best analysis one can find anywhere". The Jang newspaper is read by up to 20 million people every day, and Munnoo Bhai's column is widely read.
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