Kenya: le conseguenze della barbarie capitalista
Italian translation of Kenya: the barbaric consequences of capitalism (February 5, 2008)Gli avvoltoi in volo su Cuba dopo le dimissioni di Fidel Castro
Italian translation of Vultures hovering over Cuba after Fidel Castro steps down (February 20, 2008)Le elezioni in Pakistan: la madre di tutti i brogli
Italian translation of Pakistan elections: The Mother of all Frauds (February 19, 2008)Primarie USA: dov'è il cambiamento?
Italian translation of Super Tuesday and the U.S. Elections (February 7, 2008)Pakistan: sostieniamo i candidati marxisti!
Italian translation of Elections in Pakistan 2008 - Support socialist candidates (February 1, 2008)La rivoluzione venezuelana al bivio
Italian translation of The Venezuelan Revolution at the crossroads (January 11, 2008)Pakistan: L'intervento dei marxisti nel movimento contro l’assassinio di Benazir Bhutto
Italian translation of The intervention of the Pakistani Marxists in the movement against the assassination of Benazir Bhutto (January 9, 2008)Pakistan: il governo copre il crimine – le masse vogliono agire contro i cospiratori
Italian translation of Pakistan: Government covers up the crime - masses demand action against conspirators (December 30, 2007)L’assassinio di Benazir Bhutto
Italian translation of Pakistan: The assassination of Benazir Bhutto (December 27, 2007)Pakistan – Gravi minacce ai marxisti durante la campagna elettorale
Italian translation of Pakistan: serious threats to Marxists during election campaign (December 19, 2007)Serbia e Kosovo: la polveriera balcanica di nuovo a rischio esplosione
Italian translation of Serbia and Kosovo: the Balkan powder-keg could flare up again – Part One and Part Two (Shorten version)Pakistan: L’assalto alla moschea rossa – quando i nodi vengono al pettine
Italian translation of Pakistan: the Storming of the Red Mosque - When Chickens come home to Roost by Adam Pal (July 13, 2007)Nazionalizzazioni in Venezuela: che cosa significano per i marxisti?
Italian translation of Venezuelan nationalisations - What do they mean for socialists? by Alan Woods (May 18, 2007)Analisi della proprietà privata in Cina: la direzione del partito comunista cinese dirige la controrivoluzione capitalista
Italian translation of Recognition of private property in China: The leadership of the CCP leads the capitalist counter-revolution by Bárbara Areal (May 1, 2007)Festa Rossa di FalceMartello a Bologna 21-24 giugno
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