Resolution der IMT zur Verstaatlichung von Banco de Venezuela
German translation of Declaration of the IMT on the nationalisation of the Banco de Venezuela (August 2, 2008)Hedge-Fonds, Spekulation und Kapitalismus
German translation of Hedge funds, speculation and capitalism (July 14, 2008)Afghanistan: Aufstände der Taliban
German translation of Afghanistan: Taliban Resurgent - Kandahar prison-break shows NATO occupation is fanning the flames of insurgency (June 30, 2008)Iran: Kriegsrecht in Schusch und Massenverhaftungen in der Rohrzuckerfabrik Haft Tapeh
German translation of Iran: Martial law in Shush city and widespread arrest of Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane workers (May 21, 2008)Südafrika – Barbarei oder Sozialismus!
German translation of South African “xenophobia”: barbarism or socialism! (May 21, 2008)Bericht von der Konferenz "1968 - Die letzte Schlacht gewinnen wir" in Berlin
German original of “1968 – We shall win the last battle” conference in Berlin (May 16, 2008)Kanada: Repressionen gegen StudentInnenproteste - 14 StudentInnen verhaftet!
German translation of Canada: Protest Repression of Student Dissent at University of Toronto – 14 students arrested (April 29, 2008)Serbien und der Kosovo: das Pulverfass am Balkan kann wieder hochgehen
German translation of Serbia and Kosovo: the Balkan powder-keg could flare up again – Part One and Part Two (December 14, 2007)Venezuela - Sechs Jahre nach dem Putsch
German translation of Venezuela Six Years after the Coup (April 11, 2008)Für eine gleitende Lohnskala in ganz Europa - Stellungnahme der IMT zur EGB-Demo in Laibach am 5. April
German translation of For a sliding scale of wages across Europe! - Statement of the IMT on the ETUC demonstration in Ljubljana (April 3, 2008)Weltperspektiven 2008 (Diskussionspapier)
German translation of World Perspectives 2008 draft - Part One and Part Two (January 15, 2008)Irak: Fünf Jahre nach der Invasion
German translation of Iraq: Five years after (March 20, 2008)Die Unruhen in Tibet
German translation of The Riots in Tibet (March 18, 2008)Die USA – Der Krieg, die Wirtschaft und die Wahlen
German translation of USA: The War, the Economy & the Elections (March 6, 2008)Iran: Drei Arbeiter ausgepeitscht und verurteilt – acht weitere folgen!
German translation of Iran: Three labour activists lashed and fined - with eight more to follow! (February 21, 2008)
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