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Chinese translation of "China: revolution in preparation" By Phil Mitchinson (April 26, 2000)Materalisme Dialektis
This is the Bahasa Indonesia translation of Dialectical Materialism by John Pickard.Periode Pertama Partai Komunis Indonesia: 1914-1926 - Sebuah Ringkasan
For the first time in Bahasa Indonesia, a marxist analysis of the first period of develepment of the Indonesian Communist Party, which was published earlier on our site in English.El siglo 21 ha empezado con la insurrección en Ecuador
"En esos momentos cruciales cuando el antiguo régimen se hace insoportable para las masas, estas rompen las barreras que les excluyen de la arena política, apartan a sus representantes tradicionales y crean por su propia intervención las bases de un nuevo régimen" (Trotsky, Historia de la revolución rusa).
Novi Svetski Nered
This is the Serbo-Croat version of The New World Disorder - World Relations at the dawn of the 21st Century (Alan Woods and Ted Grant)Di atas Mata Pisau, Perspektif bagi Ekonomi Dunia
"Pulihnya Asia secara mencengangkan" --kepala berita semacam ini mulai bermunculan di koran dalam beberapa bulan terakhir. Rupanya, setelah diguncang dampak crash pasar modal di tahun 1997, kini mereka dengan penuh cemas mencari tanda-tanda kebangkitan kembali di Asia dan Eropa sebagai bukti bahwa dunia telah terhindar dari resesi. Sekali lagi para pendukung apa yang disebut Paradigma Ekonomi Baru memproklamirkan kejayaan pasar bebas.Zasto se marksisti suprotstavljaju i Milosevicu i "opoziciji" u Srbiji
Serbo-Croatin translation of Why Marxists oppose both Milosevic and the "opposition" in Serbia byTed Grant and Fred Weston (September 1999)
Relevantnost Marksizma Danas
This is the Serbo-Croat version of Alan Woods' The relevance of Marxism Today by Ted Grant and Alan Woods. (March 1994)
Pismo Srbskim Socialistom
This is the Slovenian version of the greetings letter we sent to Serbian Socialists on the opening of the new site for the rehabilitation of marxism in Yugoslavia Crveni Kriticar. Also available in Serbo-Croatian: Pismo srpskim socijalistima June 30, 1999科索沃和南斯拉夫的轰炸-帝国主义的新罪行
从北约宣布开始进行所谓的正式的猛烈攻击的第二个晚上,刺耳的空袭警报整夜响彻在贝尔格莱德和 普里斯提那的上空。贝尔格莱德宣布,在最初的进攻中,有十名平民身亡,60名受伤。独立观察员确认,在蒙特尼格拉地区,轰炸已击中一些民用设施,尽管那些 居民不同意米洛舍维奇的政策。声称那些“聪明”的炸弹能仅仅集中军事目标,这真是不功自破。
Mesec dana bombardovanja: Marksisticka analiza Balkanske krize
Serbo-Croatian translation of A month into the bombing campaign: A Marxist analysis of the Balkan crisis by Ted Grant and Alan Woods (April 1999)
Die Verhaftung
German translation of The arrest of Ocalan and the plight of the Kurdish people.Cuba: 40 anos depois, defender as conquistas da revolução!
Portuguese translation of Cuba: 40 years on, defend the gains of the revolution! by Jorge Martin (January 1999)Estratégia e táctica do marxismo
A doença infantil do esquerdismo no comunismo é uma das obras mais importantes do marxismo. Em muitos aspectos é a melhor obra de Lenine uma vez que representa um resumo de toda a experiência histórica do bolchevismo. Quem desejar entender a essência do método de Lenine deveria estudar detalhadamente estas páginas que, de uma maneira extraordinariamente clara e concisa, explicam a arte da táctica e a ciência da estratégia na luta de classes.
Marxisme dan Perjuangan Melawan Imperialisme
Indonesian translation of Marxism and the Struggle Against Imperialism: Third World in Crisis by Ted Grant and Alan Woods (June 25, 1998)
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