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انقلاب ونزوئلا در خطر ا
Persian translation of "The revolution in Venezuela is in danger!" by Fred Weston (March 2, 2004). Available as a PDF file.
Venezuela: Muncitorii au învins reacţiunea
Romanian translation of Venezuela: Los trabajadores derrotan nuevamente a la reacción (6 de febrero, 2003)Venezuela - greva a opozitiei sau sabotaj al sefilor?
This is the Romanian translation:Opposition "strike" or bosses lock out? - An eyewitness account By Jorge Martin (January 24, 2003)Manifest asupra războiului imperialist împotriva Irakului
Romanian translation of The In Defence of Marxism Manifesto on the imperialist war against Iraq by Alan Woods and Ted Grant (February 2003)תתגייסו נגד מלחמה וקפיטליזם!
Hebrew translation of "The In Defence of Marxism Manifesto on the imperialist war against Iraq".By Alan Woods and Ted Grant.Große Unzufriedenheit in Pakistan: Droht bei Krieg soziale Explosion?
Interview with Manzoor Ahmed, published in "junge Welt".
Manifest gegen den Irakkrieg
Mobilisieren wir gegen Krieg und Kapitalismus! Der Kampf gegen Imperialismus ist ein Kampf gegen Kapitalismus!
German Translation of The In Defence of Marxism Manifesto on the imperialist war against Iraq.Manifest o imperialisticni vojni v Iraku
Mobilizirajte se proti Vojni in kapitalizmu! Boj proti imperializmu je boj proti kapitalizmu.
Slovenian translation of The In Defence of Marxism Manifesto on the imperialist war against Iraq. By Alan Woods and Ted Grant.Venezuela: Muncitorii au învins reactiunea
După cum a explicat Troţki în "Istoria Revoluţiei Ruse" sunt momente în mişcarea revoluţionară cînd reacţiunea însăşi duce la radicalizarea populaţiei, făcînd astfel să avanseze procesul revoluţionar. Aşa se întîmplă azi în Venezuela.Venezuela - grevă a opoziţiei sau sabotaj al şefilor?
Romanian translation of Venezuela: Opposition "strike" or bosses lock out? - An eyewitness account by Jorge Martin (January 2003)
"Delenda est Carthago" - Imperialismul american este decis să atace Irakul
This is the romanian translation of "Delenda est Carthago" US imperialism hell bent on war with Iraq. By Alan Woods. (January 21, 2003)Venezuela - Revolution will not be televised
This is an interview with Jorge Martin about the recent developments in Venezuela.Die Spaltung innerhalb der Westallianz: Kann Europas Widerstand den Krieg verhindern?
This is the German translation of The Split in the western alliance Can Europe's opposition prevent war?Aufruf der spanischen Schüler - und Studentengewerkschaft (Sindicato de Estudiantes, SE) an alle Schüler -, Studenten - und Jugendorganisationen der Welt
En la primera semana de Diciembre estará entre nosotros el pensador marxista británico Alan Woods para participar en una serie de charlas y conferencias sobre la situación política internacional y para presentar el libro del que es coautor con Ted Grant: Razón y Revolución. En esta obra los autores señalan que la crisis actual de la cultura y del pensamiento científico refleja el callejón sin salida a que ha llegado el sistema capitalista a escala mundial. La única manera de superarla es mediante la transformación radical de la sociedad y la implantación de un auténtico sistema socialista, basado en la planificación racional de las fuerzas productivas bajo el control democrático de toda
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