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Revolusi Iran - Sejarah dan Hari Depannya - Bab V - Basis Fundanlentalistne Islam
Indonesian translation of Chapter 5 of "The Iranian Revolution - Past, Present and Future". By Dr. Zayar.Revolusi Iran - Sejarah dan Hari Depannya - Bab IV Revolusi Februari 1979
Indonesian translation of Chapter 4 of "The Iranian Revolution - Past, Present and Future". By Dr. Zayar.Revolusi Iran - Sejarah dan Hari Depannya - Bab III - Partai Komunis Iran
Indonesian translation of Chapter 3 of "The Iranian Revolution - Past, Present and Future". By Dr. Zayar.Irak: USA sidder fast i sumpen
Danish translation of "The Iraqi quagmire" By Fred Weston (November 18, 2003)Revolusi Iran - Sejarah dan Hari Depannya - Bab II - Catatan Atas Seyarah Iran
Indonesian translation of Chapter 2 of "The Iranian Revolution - Past, Present and Future". By Dr. Zayar.美国的贫困与失业
The construction of Kalabagh Dam in Sindh (Pakistan)
By Lal Khan, editor of the Marxist fortnightly "The Struggle".Revolusi Iran: Sejarah dan Hari Depannya - Bab 1 - Latar Belakang Sejarah
Indonesian translation of Chapter one of "The Iranian Revolution - Past, Present and Future". By Dr. Zayar.Revolusi Iran - Sejarah dan Hari Depannya: Pengantar
Bahasa Indonesia translation of the Introduction by Alan Woods to "The Iranian Revolution - Past, Present and Future". By Dr. Zayar.告全党同志书①
הפנים הריאקציוניות של הטרור
Hebrew translation of "The bombings in Istanbul - The reactionary face of terrorism. An editorial statement (November 21, 2003)השוואה בין הבולשביקים בברסט-ליטובסק ושיחות השלום הנוכחיות בפיליפינים
Hebrew translation of "Philippines peace talks: A comparison between the Bolsheviks at Brest Litovsk and talks today in the Philippines" By Felix Zorba (November 2003)גיוס המוני — הדרך היחידה להביס את מהפכת הנגד
Hebrew translation of "Counterrevolutionary offensive in Venezuela" By Miguel Campos - El Militante Venezuela (November 15, 2003)Brukman w rękach pracowników!
This is the Polish translation of "Argentina: ¡Brukman es de los trabajadores! La Legislatura porteña expropió la fábrica a los antiguos dueños" (Noviembre 2003).Læren af Chile 1973 - Del 2
Danish translation of "Lessons of Chile 1973" By Alan Woods (January 1979)
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