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Pakistán: La conmoción se convierte en rabia ante la devastación provocada por el terremoto
Spanish translation of Pakistan: Shock turns to anger in aftermath of devastating earthquake (October 13, 2005)
Jordskælvet i Pakistan: støt arbejderne i Kashmir
Danish translation of Pakistan earthquake: an appeal for the Kashmiri workersAz Internacionalista Marxista Irányzat nyári iskolája inspirálja résztvevõit
Hungarian translation of Inspiring 2005 World School of the International Marxist Tendency (September 15, 2005)
Pakistan Depremi: Keşmirli İşçiler İçin Çağrı
Turkish translation of Pakistan earthquake: an appeal for the Kashmiri workersErdbeben in Pakistan: Ein Solidaritätsaufruf für die ArbeiterInnen im Kaschmir
German translation of Pakistan earthquake: an appeal for the Kashmiri workers (October 10, 2005)Terremoto en Pakistán: Llamamiento de los trabajadores de Cachemira
Spanish translation of Pakistan earthquake: an appeal for the Kashmiri workers (October 10, 2005)Aardbeving in Pakistan: een oproep voor de arbeiders in Kashmir
Dutch translation of Pakistan earthquake: an appeal for the Kashmiri workers (October 10, 2005)Il terremoto in Pakistan: Un appello a favore dei lavoratori in Kashmir
Italian translation of Pakistan earthquake: an appeal for the Kashmiri workers (October 10, 2005)
A Bolivári Forradalom új lépéseket tesz a kapitalizmus ellen, kisajátít gyárakat és nagybirtokokat
Hungarian translation of The Bolivarian Revolution takes new steps against capitalism expropriating factories and landed states by the Revolutionary Marxist Current (October 6, 2005)
إيطاليا: ساسوولو- نضال "البناية الخضراء" متواصل
Arabic translation of Italy: Sassuolo - The struggle of the “Green Block” continues!
Sassuolo: Continua la lotta del “Palazzo Verde”
Italian translation of Italy: Sassuolo - The struggle of the “Green Block” continues!
La Revolución Bolivariana da nuevos pasos contra el capitalismo, expropiando latifundios y empresas
Spanish translation of The Bolivarian Revolution takes new steps against capitalism expropriating factories and landed states (October 6, 2005)
A forradalmi művészetért! André Breton halálának évfordulójára
Hungarian translation of For Revolutionary Art! On the anniversary of the death of Andre Breton by Alan Woods (September 29, 2005)
Entrevista com uma jovem ativista iraniana: “COM O DISCO RÍGIDO CHEIO DE SOCCIALISMO”
Portuguese translation of "With the hard disk full of socialism" (June 15, 2005)
De Tal Afar a Basora: encendiendo las llamas del descontento en Iraq
Spanish translation of From Tal Afar to Basra: fanning the flames of discontent in Iraq by Maarten Vanheuverswyn (September 27, 2005)
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