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عظیم بالشویک انقلاب کی سالگرہ پرریلیاں اورسیمینار
Urdu translation of Bolshevik Day in Pakistan: Protests against privatisation, price hikes and unemployment (November 11, 2008)Alan Woods über die Russische Revolution - Teil 1, "Der Aufstieg des Stalinismus vollzog sich allmählich"
German translation of Alan Woods on the Russian Revolution – Part One, "The rise of Stalin was a gradual process" (October 2008)Μανιφέστο της Διεθνούς Μαρξιστικής Τάσης - Κρίση: Να πληρώσουν τα αφεντικά!
Greek translation of The Crisis: Make the bosses pay! - Manifesto of the International Marxist Tendency (November 4, 2008)Hoe stakingen winnen
Dutch translation of How to win strikesAlemania: 100.000 jóvenes salen a las calles en una masiva huelga estudiantil
Spanish translation of Germany: 100,000 on the streets in a massive student strike (November 14, 2008)عالمی مالیاتی دھندوں میں مندا
Urdu translation of Panic in world markets (October 10, 2008)La crisi la paghino i padroni! - Manifesto della Tendenza Marxista Internazionale
Italian translation of The Crisis: Make the bosses pay! - Manifesto of the International Marxist Tendency (November 4, 2008)Crise: Que os patrões paguem a conta! (2ª parte)
Portuguese translation of The Crisis: Make the bosses pay! - Manifesto of the International Marxist Tendency – Part Two (November 5, 2008)Duitse Revolutie stelt einde aan oorlogsgruwel
Dutch translation of German Revolution ends horror of war (November 13, 2008)Iran: Fabriksarbetarna på Askhan China beslagtar maskinerna
Swedish translation of Iran: Workers seize the machinery at Ashkan China factory (October 31, 2008)Los maoístas nepalíes y la cuestión del poder. ¿Ofrece Prachanda una alternativa?
Spanish translation of Nepalese Maoists and the question of power (November 12, 2008)Crise: Que os patrões paguem a conta! (1ª parte)
Portuguese translation of The Crisis: Make the bosses pay! - Manifesto of the International Marxist Tendency – Part One (November 4, 2008)13 de noviembre: Nuevo éxito en la convocatoria de huelga general de estudiantes
Hoy 13 de noviembre cientos de miles de estudiantes de educación secundaria y universidad han secundado la huelga general de estudiantes convocada por el Sindicato de Estudiantes.Barack Obama e a Crise Imperialista
As manifestações em diversos países comemorando a vitória de Obama confirmam que estas eleições são tão importantes que todo o mundo deveria votar nelas.Il ritorno di Karl Marx
Italian translation of The return of Karl Marx (October 23, 2008)
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