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Il fermento rivoluzionario in Grecia - Un assaggio di quello che succederà in tutta Europa
Italian translation of Revolutionary ferment in Greece – a taste of what is to come for the whole of Europe (January 12, 2009)Obama træder til: vil han bringe en ny politik?
Danish translation of Obama’s Ag Policy: Corporate Business as Usual (January 20, 2009)Nordeuropæisk marxistisk skole i Berlin
Danish translation of IMT Winter School in Berlin (January 16, 2009)För en seger i folkomröstningen om konstitutionstillägget
Swedish translation of Manifesto of the Revolutionary Marxist Current on the constitutional amendment (December 19, 2008)فنزويلا: طرد ضباط الشرطة المتورطين في قمع عمال مصنع ميتسوبيشي
Arabic translation of Venezuela: Police officers involved in repression against Mitsubishi workers suspended (January 30, 2009)Venezuela : deux travailleurs en lutte tués par la police d’Anzoategui. Solidarité !
French translation of Two workers killed in Venezuela, while defending the occupied Mitsubitshi factory (January 30, 2009)Két munkást meggyilkoltak Venezuelában, miközben elfoglalták a Mitsubishi gyárat – Tiltakozz Te is!
Hungarian translation of Two workers killed in Venezuela, while defending the occupied Mitsubitshi factory (January 30, 2009)Venezuela: Suspendidos los oficiales de policía implicados en la represión contra los trabajadores de Mitsubishi
عاجل: اغتيال عاملان في فنزويلا عندما كانا يدافعان عن مصنع ميتسوبيشي المحتل من طرف العمال
Arabic translation of Two workers killed in Venezuela, while defending the occupied Mitsubitshi factory (January 30, 2009)Dringende solidariteitsoproep: twee arbeiders vermoord in Venezuela bij bezetting Mitshubishi
Dutch translation of Two workers killed in Venezuela, while defending the occupied Mitsubitshi factory (January 30, 2009)Entrevista a Félix Martinez, dirigente del sindicato de Mitsubishi Venezuela
Carta al Embajador de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela en el Reino Unido
Bolivia: Triunfo del SI en el referéndum
Venezuela: Polizei ermordet zwei Arbeiter die besetzte Mitsubishi-Fabrik verteidigen
German translation of Two workers killed in Venezuela, while defending the occupied Mitsubitshi factory (January 30, 2009)Due lavoratori uccisi in Venezuela - Difendevano la fabbrica occupata Mitsubishi
Italian translation of Two workers killed in Venezuela, while defending the occupied Mitsubitshi factory (January 30, 2009)
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