Other languages Albanian Belarusian Bengali Catalan Chinese Czech Danish Dutch Esperanto Japanese Georgian Kurdish Pashto Hindi Malay Indonesian Persian Greek Gaeilge Hungarian Vietnamese Turkish Swedish Hebrew Polish Russian Romanian Korean Slovenian Thai Nepali Serbo-Croatian Galician Norwegian Macedonian Burmese
El combate contra la epidemia de influenza: un punto de vista de clase
El Tratado de Versalles. La paz para acabar con toda la paz
Spanish translation of The Treaty of Versailles - the Peace to end all Peace (April 13, 2009)
Menneskets natur, kapitalisme og den globale krise
Danish translation of Human nature, capitalism and the global crisis (April 23,2009)
France: Les séquestrations, Continental et « l’Etat de droit »
La clase obrera sudafricana y las elecciones de abril
Spanish translation of The Working Class in the April 2009 South African Elections (April 22, 2009)EEUU: ¿Por qué el UAW debería luchar por la nacionalización del sector automotriz?
Spanish translation of US: Why the UAW Should Fight for Nationalization (March 18, 2009)Den politiske situation i Sydafrika på valgdagen
Danish translation of Political Situation in South Africa on the day of the 2009 elections (April 22, 2009)کتاب ”ریاست کا بحران اور مارکسی لائحہ عمل ،، دو ہزار نو
Document of the 2009 Congress of The Struggle (Pakistan) about the Crisis of the State and Marxist Strategy. (In Urdu)
Obama e la crisi dell’industria dell’auto
Italian translation of Obama’s Auto Task Force Preparing Worst Cuts in Decades (April 7, 2009)
انقلاب کا عہد، مارکسی کانگریس کا آخیری دن
Urdu translation of Pakistan: The Struggle congress 2009 – Day two (March 30, 2009)پاکستانی مارکسسٹوں کی شاندار آٹھائیسویں گانگریس
Urdu translation of The Struggle congress 2009 - Pakistan Marxists on the move! (March 27, 2009)Alerta Venezuela: Situação crítica dos trabalhadores da Vivex
Portuguese translation of Venezuela: Urgent appeal for solidarity with workers at occupied Vivex factory (April 3, 2009)Meinungsfreiheit und Sozialismus in Kuba
German translation of Cuba: Freedom of Expression & Socialism (March 12, 2009)Venezuela Mitsubishi: Sob pressão, Acordo encerra ocupação da empresa
Portuguese translation of Mitsubishi Venezuela: Under pressure an agreement is reached to put an end to the occupation (March 25, 2009)Libertad de expresión y socialismo en Cuba
Spanish translation of Cuba: Freedom of Expression & Socialism (March 12, 2009)
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