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ג'ורג וו. בוש והצלבנים.
Hebrew translation of "George W. Bush and the Crusades" By Alan Woods (May 8, 2003).Verden efter krigen i Irak
Danish translation of "The world after the war in Iraq" By Alan Woods (May 6, 2003)Ce e de făcut? - Sarcinile marxiştilor în situaţia de azi
Romanian translation of "War on Iraq: What is to be done? -The current situation and the tasks of the Marxists." By Alan Woods (April 3, 2003).Opstande og forræderi: en kort gennemgang af den irakiske venstrefløjs historie
Danish translation of "Uprisings and betrayals: a brief history of the left in Iraq" By Felix Zorba and Roberto Sarti. (April 29, 2003)לקחי הבחירות בארגנטינה
Hebrew translation of "Lessons of the Argentine elections - The conclusions and the tasks that lie ahead", by Aníbal Montoya (April 29, 2003)התקוממויות ובגידות: סקירה היסטורית קצרה של השמאל בעיראק.
Hebrew translation of "Uprisings and betrayals: a brief history of the left in Iraq" By Felix Zorba and Roberto Sarti. (April 29, 2003).שער הרווח ומשבר הקפיטליזם.
Hebrew translation of "Rate of profit and capitalist crisis" By Mick Brooks (April 2003)Vandalii secolului XXI
Romanian translation of Vandals of the 21st century by Alan Woods (April 2003)
Generalstrejk lysande framgång
Swedish translation of Italian workers back on the move! April 16 general strike a huge success By Fernando D'Alessandro (April 16, 2003)
Ce e de făcut? Sarcinile marxiştilor în situaţia de azi
Romanian translation of What is to be done? - The current situation and the tasks of the Marxists by Alan Woods (April 2003)
Det 21. århundredes vandaler
Danish translation of "Vandals of the 21st century" By Alan Woods (April 10, 2003)Ne yapmali? Mevcut Durum ve Marksistlerin Görevleri
Turkish translation of "What is to be done?- The current situation and the tasks of the Marxists". By Alan Woods (April 3, 2003).ההתנגדות העירקית הופכת למלחמה אנטי אימפריאליסטית
Hebrew translation of "Iraqi resistance is turning into an anti-imperialist war." By Fred Weston (April 3, 2003)."Demokracja" w USA
Polish translation of "Democracy" in America By John Peterson (April 1, 2003)המלחמה על עיראקככל שהבעיות גדלות, כן מתרבים השקרים.
Hebrew translation of "War on Iraq: The bigger the problems, the bigger the lies. By Fred Weston (March 28, 2003).
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