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(اليوم الثاني لمؤتمر منظمة الكفاح (باكستان
Arabic translation of Second day of the 2008 congress of The Struggle (Pakistan) (April 3, 2008)El Estado de Israel cumple 60 años. ¿Cuál es el futuro para los pueblos judío y palestino?
Spanish translation of Israel turns 60 – where next for the Jewish and Palestinian peoples? (May 16, 2008)باكستان: المؤتمر السابع والعشرون لمنظمة الكفاح ينعقد في مرحلة انعطاف حاسم في تاريخ البلد
Arabic translation of 27th Congress of The Struggle meets at crucial turning point in Pakistan’s history (April 2, 2008)A verdade acerca da II Guerra Mundial
Portuguese translation of The truth about the Second World War - Part One and Part Two (July 21, 2004)!...قهرمان وارد می شود
Persian translation of Who pays the opposition students in Venezuela? (May 8, 2008)Brasil: Cento e treze cidadãos anti-racistas contra as leis raciais
Militantes, intelectuais, artistas, escritores e personalidades entregaram uma carta ao ministro presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal defendendo a igualdade entre os cidadãos e combatendo a implantação das catastróficas leis racialistas.Pakistán: el desenredo de la farsa democrática
Spanish translation of Pakistan - unravelling of the democratic farce (May 15, 2008)Bericht von der Konferenz "1968 - Die letzte Schlacht gewinnen wir" in Berlin
German original of “1968 – We shall win the last battle” conference in Berlin (May 16, 2008)Movimento Negro Socialista (MNS) realiza Encontro Nacional
Um entusiasmado Encontro do MNS faz um balanço de atividades e organiza a continuidade da luta contra o racismo e o pretenso Estatuto da Igualdade Racial.[Ted Grant Archive Update] - Democracia ou Bonapartismo na Europa - Resposta a Pierre Frank
Portuguese translation of Democracy or Bonapartism in Europe - A Reply to Pierre Frank (August 1946)الماركسيون والثورة الفنزويلية
Arabic translation of Marxists and the Venezuelan Revolution (May 4, 2004)Agitación en Líbano: ¿para la revolución o la estabilización?
Spanish translation of Uprising in Lebanon: for revolution or stabilization? (May 13, 2008)Los sonidos de la violencia silencian a los trabajadores del Líbano
Spanish translation of Sound of violence silences Lebanon’s workers (May 13, 2008)Verdensperspektiv 2008 del 2 (udkast)
Danish translation of World Perspectives 2008 draft - Part Two (January 15, 2008)Verdensperspektiv 2008 del 1 (udkast)
Danish translation of World Perspectives 2008 draft - Part One (January 15, 2008)
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