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Pronunciamiento de la prensa Perú Militante
Venezuela: Congresso della Gioventù del Psuv - La lotta tra riformismo e rivoluzione continua
Italian translation of Venezuela: PSUV Youth congress - struggle between Reformism and Revolution continues (September 15, 2008)!بوليفيا: الأوليغارشية تجدد هجماتها، لقد حان الوقت للرد الحاسم
Arabic translation of Bolivia: Renewed offensive of the oligarchy – time to strike back! (September 11, 2008)El capitalismo ha fracasado
Spanish translation of Capitalism has failed. Period (September 22, 2008)IRMTبه اولین کنفرانس گرایش مارکسیست های انقلابی ایران
Persian translation of Message to the founding conference of the IRMT from Alan Woods (September 24, 2008)[Video] ¿Para qué editar los clásicos del marxismo?
Video promocional de la Fundación F Engels.
La debacle financiera se profundiza
Spanish translation of Financial meltdown deepens (September 16, 2008)Die internationale Finanzkrise spitzt sich zu
German translation of Financial meltdown deepens (September 16, 2008)Bolívia: Ante a Fúria Fascista, A Resposta é a Ira Popular em Legítima Defesa
Portuguese translation of Bolivia: Faced with fascist fury the answer is people's wrath in legitimate defence - Statement of the social organisations of the city of Santa Cruz (September 13, 2008)En Brasil, jóvenes y trabajadores se solidarizan con la revolución boliviana
7 años después del 11-S. La invasión de Georgia es un punto de inflexión en las relaciones mundiales
Spanish translation of Seven years after 9/11: The invasion of Georgia – A turning point in world relations (September 11, 2008)Bolivia: Un dialogo frágil que prepara nuevas batallas
El 15 de septiembre sangriento: Atentados terroristas de Morelia (México)
No Brasil, trabalhadores e jovens se solidarizam com a revolução boliviana
Atos em solidariedade à luta do povo boliviano e ao Governo de Evo Morales contra os ataques fascistas da oligarquia golpista, acontecem em São Paulo e no Rio de Janeiro.¡No a golpes de estado! ¡No al imperialismo americano! Manos fuera de Venezuela organiza protestas en Londres
Spanish translation of No to coups! No to U.S. Imperialism! - HOV London organises protests (September 18, 2008)
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