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Parem o massacre sobre a Faixa de Gaza
Portuguese translation of Stop Israel's massacre in Gaza! (December 30, 2008)!أوقفوا المجزرة الإسرائيلية في غزة
Arabic translation of Stop Israel's massacre in Gaza! (December 30, 2008)Venezuela: A Forradalmi Marxista Irányzat (CMR) kiáltványa az alkotmánymódosításról
Hungarian translation of Venezuela: Manifesto of the Revolutionary Marxist Current on the constitutional amendment (December 19, 2008)La crisis del capitalismo mundial se acelera
Spanish translation of The crisis of world capitalism is gathering speed (December 17, 2008)
Pengantar Untuk Revolusi Permanen Edisi Bahasa Indonesia
Indonesian translation of Introduction to the Indonesian edition of The Permanent Revolution (December 23, 2008)الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية: العمال يحتلون مصنعا بشيكاغو
Arabic translation of USA: Workers Occupy Chicago Factory (December 8, 2008)آمریکا: کارگران، کارخانه ی شیکاگو را اشغال می کنند
Persian translation of USA: Workers Occupy Chicago Factory (December 8, 2008)VS: arbeiders bezetten fabriek in Chicago
Dutch translation of USA: Workers Occupy Chicago Factory (December 8, 2008)Griekenland steigert na politiemoord op jonge betoger
Dutch version of The Greek police kill school student – big wave of mobilisations all over Greece (December 8, 2008) and Greece: massive school student attack against police stations all over the country! (December 10, 2008)Hungría: Hoy se manifiestan, pero en enero podría haber una huelga
Spanish translation of Hungary’s growing strike wave (December 16, 2008)Venezuela: Los marxistas intervienen en las puertas de la fábrica de SIDOR
Spanish translation of Venezuela: Marxists intervene at the factory gates of SIDOR (December 19, 2008)Trabalhadores ocupam fábrica em Chicago
Portuguese translation of USA: Workers Occupy Chicago Factory(December 8, 2008)Une alternative marxiste à la crise du capitalisme - Manifeste de la TMI
French translation of The Crisis: Make the bosses pay! - Manifesto of the International Marxist Tendency (4 November, 2008)Venezuela: Welle konterrevolutionärer Gewalt und Bedrohungen von rechts
German translation of Venezuela: three trade union leaders killed, wave of counter-revolutionary threats and intimidation (December 1, 2008)Generalstrejke og politisk tomrum i Grækenland
Danish translation of Greece: teenager uprising, big general strike, but the left parties refuse to give a political solution (December 11, 2008)
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