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Saqueos, estado de sitio y movilización popular en la Argentina - Informe desde Jujuy
Pakistani paper reviews Alan Woods article on Afganistan
In the Saturday issue of the Jang - the biggest daily paper in Pakistan, the well-known columnist Munnoo Bhai published extensive extracts from Alan's article The fall of Kabul with the comment that this is the "best analysis one can find anywhere". The Jang newspaper is read by up to 20 million people every day, and Munnoo Bhai's column is widely read.Москва -- Пекин, причины разногласий
Russian translation of "Moscow - Peking, the real differences" By Ted Grant (May 1965).Marxism, Socialism and the New Millenium (in Vietnamese)
This is the Vietnamese version of Marxism, Socialism and the New Millenium, Ted Grant and Rob Sewell, January 2000Elecciones legislativas argentinas: El malestar social busca una expresión política
Las elecciones legislativas argentinas del 14 de octubre han puesto de manifiesto varias cosas: en primer lugar, el enorme descontento acumulado en la sociedad, en segundo lugar la crisis y divisiones existentes en el seno de la clase dominante y, por último, pero lo más importante de todo, la búsqueda por parte de cientos de miles de jóvenes y trabajadores (así como de sectores de las capas medias) de una alternativa de izquierdas frente a la crisis económica, social y política que atenaza al país.
Będą kłopoty - Po pierwszym tygodniu operacji wojskowej w Afganistanie
This is the Polish translation of Into the whirlwind - The first week of the war in Afghanistan by Alan Woods. (October 12, 2001)Serangan udara AS dan Inggris dimulai - Lawan perang imperialis di Afghanistan!
This is the Indonesian translation of Oppose imperialist war in Afghanistan! by Fred Weston, October 2001Przeciwko wojnie w Afganistanie!
Polish translation of Oppose imperialist war in Afghanistan! by Fred Weston
Atentate sinucigaşe în SUA - Terorismul ajută reacţiunea
This is the Romanian language translation of US Suicide Bombing - Terrorism Aids Reaction by Alan Woods and Ted Grant.Zamachy w USA - terroryzm pomaga reakcji
هنر و مبارزه طبقاتی
Persian translation of "Art and the class struggle" By Alan Woods (July 2001)Marxismo versus feminismo – A luta de classes e a emancipação da mulher
Portuguese translation of Marxism versus feminism – The class struggle and the emancipation of women by Alan Woods.Osnove marksizma
This is the Slovenian version of the Marxist Basics section in Marxism FAQMakedonija: Sledece bure baruta?
This is the Serbo-Croat version of Macedonia - the next powder keg? by Fred Weston (March 16th, 2001)مارکسيزم و مسئله ملی
Persian translation of Marxism and the National Question by Alan Woods and Ted Grant (February 25th, 2000)
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