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Inmitten der imperialistischen Unterdrückung: Die Tradition der irakischen Kommunisten lebt weiter
German translation of "The Iraqi Communist tradition is still alive".O Trecentésimo aniversário de São Petersburgo comemoraçoes da classe dominante
Portuguese translation of Russia: The 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg - a ruling class holiday by A.Kramer (June 2003)Irak: Eine "vietnamesische" Falle für die Streitkräfte der "Koalition"?
German translation of "Iraq: A "Vietnamese" trap for the "coalition" forces?"האם כוחות "הקואליציה" נכנסו למלכודת הויטנאמית?
Hebrew translation of Iraq: Two months after the fall of Saddam Hussein A "Vietnamese" trap for the "coalition" forces? By Roberto Sarti and Fred Weston (June 17, 2003)Die kaltblütige Haltung der Zionisten angesichts des Holocausts
German translation of "The cold-blooded stance of the Zionists in the face of the Holocaust"Ur: Den kinesiska revolutionen
Swedish translation of The Chinese Revolution by Ted Grant (January 1949)Ortadoğu “Yol Haritası” Başarısızlığa Mahkûm
Turkish translation of "The Middle East 'Road Map' is destined to fail By Yossi Schwartz (June 8, 2003)גרמניה: שרודר מכריז מלחמה על מדינת הסעד
Hebrew translation of "Germany: Schröder declares war on welfare state" By Hans-Gerd Öfinger (May 27, 2003).George W. Bush e as Cruzadas
Portuguese translation ofGeorge W. Bush and the Crusades by Alan Woods (May 8, 2003)האו"ם -חותמת גומי של הכיבוש האנגלו-אמריקאי של עיראק.
Hebrew translation of "Un rubber stamps US-UK occupation of Iraq" (May 23, 2003)חבר פרלמנט מרקסיסטי מפקיסטן בראש משלחת פרלמנטרית להודו
Hebrew translation of "Pakistan Marxist MPs on delegation to India" (May 22, 2003)Die Medien und der Krieg: Zensur bei den Monopolen?
German translation of "The situation in Britain for the Left is as good as it has been at any time I can remember". Interview with Jeremy Dear, British NUJ General Secretary. It was published yesterday in Junge Welt, a German left-wing newspaper.Italien - eine Bilanz von zwei Jahren intensiven Klassenkampfes
German translation of Italy - a balance sheet of two years of intense class struggle.הפועלים בצרפת נעים לפעולה כנגד ראפרין
Hebrew translation of "French workers move into action against Raffarin" By Greg Oxley in Paris (May 19, 2003).“İlaçtan
Turkish translation of "Dying for drugs"- Health warning: capitalism kills! y Jordi Martorell (May 2003).
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