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Elecciones en Pakistán: La madre de todos los fraudes
Spanish translation of Pakistan elections: The Mother of all Frauds (February 19, 2008)Le elezioni in Pakistan: la madre di tutti i brogli
Italian translation of Pakistan elections: The Mother of all Frauds (February 19, 2008)León Sedov. A 70 años de su muerte
Spanish translation of Leon Sedov – 70 years since his murder (February 15, 2008)آلان وودز يتحدث عن المنظورات العالمية لسنة 2008 – الجزء الثاني
Arabic translation of Alan Woods on world perspectives 2008 – Part Two (January 13, 2008)Elecciones en Pakistán: con el avance de la campaña se profundizan las contradicciones de clase
Spanish translation of Pakistan Elections - class contradictions sharpening as the election campaign heats up (February 15, 2008)Stormakternas kamp om olja skördar liv i Tchad
Swedish translation of International Appeal: No Blood for Oil! International Troops out of Chad! (February 8, 2008)لئون سِدوف، هفتاد سال پس از قتل او
Persian translation of Leon Sedov – 70 years since his murder (February 15, 2008)Primarie USA: dov'è il cambiamento?
Italian translation of Super Tuesday and the U.S. Elections (February 7, 2008)الانتخابات الباكستانية: الحزب الرجعي، "الحركة القومية المتحدة"، يحضر للقيام بتزوير مكثف للانتخابات في كاراتشي
Arabic translation of Pakistan Elections: Reactionary MQM preparing for massive rigging in Karachi (February 8, 2008)El “supermartes” y las elecciones en EEUU
Spanish translation of Super Tuesday and the U.S. Elections (February 7, 2008)آلان وودز يتحدث عن المنظورات العالمية لسنة 2008 - الجزء الأول
Arabic translation of Alan Woods on world perspectives 2008 – Part One (January 13, 2008)Oproep voor drie socialistische kandidaten in Pakistan
Dutch translation of Elections in Pakistan 2008 - Support socialist candidates (February 1, 2008)خونریزی برای نفت بس است! سربازان اتحادیه اروپا باید از چاد خارج گردند
Persian translation of No Blood for Oil – EU Soldiers out of Chad! (February 8, 2008)نداء أممي: لا قطرة دم من أجل النفط! أخرجوا القوى الدولية من تشاد
Arabic translation of International Appeal: No Blood for Oil! International Troops out of Chad! (February 8, 2008)Pakistán: el reaccionario MQM prepara un fraude electoral masivo en Karachi
Spanish translation of Pakistan Elections: Reactionary MQM preparing for massive rigging in Karachi (February 8, 2008)
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