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Austria: 15.000 personas se manifiestan contra la crisis. Despertar primaveral en Viena
Spanish translation of Austria: Spring awakening in Vienna – 15.000 march against the crisis (March 31, 2009)Alemania: “No pagaremos vuestra crisis”. 55.000 personas se manifiestan en Berlín y Frankfurt
Spanish translation of Germany: "We Won’t Pay For Your Crisis" – 55,000 march in Berlin and Frankfurt (March 31, 2009)Brasil: Movimento Negro Socialista convoca reunião nacional
Em 16 de Maio de 2009 ocorrerá a 4ª Reunião Nacional do MNS para organizar a luta contra o racismo e as leis racialistas.„Wir zahlen nicht für eure Krise!“ - 55.000 TeilnehmerInnen in Berlin und Frankfurt/Main
German version of Germany: "We Won’t Pay For Your Crisis" – 55,000 march in Berlin and Frankfurt (March 31, 2009)Pakistan: Crónica del segundo día de congreso
Spanish translation of Pakistan: The Struggle congress 2009 – Day two (March 30, 2009)Congreso The Struggle: ¡Los marxistas pakistaníes avanzan!
Spanish translation of The Struggle congress 2009 - Pakistan Marxists on the move! (March 27, 2009)Gran Bretaña: ¿Qué etapa estamos pasando?
Spanish translation of Britain: Through what stage are we passing? (March 17, 2009)Italien: stigende massebevægelse
Danish translation of Italy caught between the crisis of reformism and the rising mass movement (March 10, 2009)Mitsubishi Venezuela - Termina l’occupazione dello stabilimento
Italian translation of Mitsubishi Venezuela: Under pressure an agreement is reached to put an end to the occupation (March 25, 2009)!سازمان جد و جهد: کنگرهی 2009، مارکسیستهای پاکستان به پا خواستهاند
Persian translation of The Struggle congress 2009 - Pakistan Marxists on the move! (March 27, 2009)Canadá: Trabajadores canadienses ocupan empresa autopartista en Ontario
Spanish translation of Canadian Workers Occupy Auto Parts Factory (March 19, 2009)Obama può salvare il capitalismo?
Italian translation of Can Obama Save Capitalism? (March 11, 2009)Kan Obama redde kapitalismen?
Danish translation of Can Obama Save Capitalism? (March 11, 2009)Spanje: een kruitvat dat op ontploffen staat
Dutch translation of Spain: a powder keg about to explode (March 12, 2009)Ierland: werkende klasse mobiliseert tegen achtergrond van economische crisis
Dutch translation of Ireland: As the economic crisis worsens the workers mobilise (March 13, 2009)
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