Obituary: In memory of Enoc Escobar Ramos

On April 15, 2011 Enoc Escobar Ramos died. He was a brilliant lawyer who throughout his whole life defended every revolutionary cause.

Since he was a young man his vocation towards those most in need was clear. Until his last day he fought for every cause of the exploited people against the ruling class, asking for nothing in return.

He had become a distinguished student activist in the city of Villa Hermosa, Tabasco where he was born and for this reason he was persecuted and had to flee to Mexico City where he lived for the rest of his life.

Once there he continued his activities against president Echeverria's government. In this period he was a founder of the Popular High Schools (Preparatorias Populares) and took part in many struggles. And for this he was arrested and jailed for three years.

After his release he finished his law degree at the University of Mexico and after his studies founded a human rights organization which was used for the defence of poor people and persecuted people like himself. Payment for his work was almost nothing, asking only the minimum required for his own basic living, because he did not want either to be a rich man or a famous lawyer. He only wanted to protect revolutionary causes against attacks of the ruling class.

He dedicated his whole life to the organization he founded. He put the offices of the organization – which were also his home – at the disposal of revolutionaries and people without resources to stay at when they came to Mexico City to face the Mexican courts.

He lived his life according to the principles he believed in. We thank him for the help that he gave us, the IMT in Mexico, as he defended our comrades who faced legal problems due to their political activity and also comrades that were jailed for the cause of the emancipation of the working class.

Source: Militante (Mexico)

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