1917 Leon Trotsky

Title Created Date Author
The Petty-Bourgeois Stand on the Question of Economic Disorganisation 13 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
Speech Made at the First Petrograd Conference of Shop Committees June 13 (May 31), 1917 13 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
Letter to the District Committees of the Petrograd Organisation of the R.S.D.L.P. (Bolsheviks) 13 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
Capitalist Mockery of the People 13 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
The Harm of Phrase-Mongering 13 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
Meeting of the Petrograd Committee of the R.S.D.L.P. (Bolsheviks) 12 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
The Farce of Dual Power 10 June 1917 Leon Trotsky
For Lack of a Clean Principled Weapon They Snatch at a Dirty One 10 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
Counter-Revolution Takes the Offensive (“Jacobins Without the People”) 10 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
The Shameful Menshevik-Narodnik Bloc with Yedinstvo 10 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
The Dark Forces Are For the Cadets, the Mensheviks and Narodniks Are in One Government With the Cadets 10 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
Reports on the Economic Debacle 09 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
The Capitalists Must Be Exposed 09 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
The Chain Is No Stronger Than Its Weakest Link 09 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
“Sleight of Hand” and Unprincipled Politicians 07 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
A Question of Principle (“Forgotten Words” of Democracy) 07 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
A Deal With the Capitalists or Overthrow of the Capitalists? (How to End the War) 07 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
Resolution on Measures to Cope with Economic Disorganisation 07 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
First All-Russian Congress of Peasants’ Deputies 07 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
Parties in the Petrograd District Council Elections 06 June 1917 V.I. Lenin