Mexico: Support electricity workers of the Luz y Fuerza del Centro

The Mexican government recently announced the sacking of 44,000 electricity workers at the Luz y Fuerza del Centro. We have been approached for solidarity activity. Please take this up on your workplace.

Mexico: Support electricity workers of the Luz y Fuerza del CentroOn Sunday morning, the Federal Government in Mexico issued a decree terminating the operation of Luz y Fuerza del Centro, an energy company responsible for providing power to the central area of the country. The action was accompanied by severe attacks on the union that were already brewing for over a month.

The federal government last Sunday sacked more than 44,000 active workers and cutback the benefits of 22,000 retirees, a total of 66,000 workers and their families. All of them have been offered substantial settlements and bonuses of all kinds, of course, with the goal of demobilizing them and getting them to accept the sackings. However, there is very strong opposition within the ranks of the union. Although the movement is only just beginning to organize, there are signs that it will be a very long struggle, with fierce battles ahead.

We believe that greetings of workers internationally can help to encourage the workers and make them understand they are not isolated but have the backing of workers of all countries.

Below are the links to six articles [in Spanish] that have been published by the Mexican Marxists on this struggle in recent weeks:

Please spread the news of this struggle as widely as possible and use the model resolution to be voted on or signed by comrades with trade union positions, or branches of unions or workplace shop-steward committees.

Send the resolution to the workers in struggle:
Please also send a copy to and

International Labour Solidarity with the Mexican Electricians’ Union

We, members of _____________ strongly oppose the liquidation of the public electricity company Luz y Fuerza del Centro (LyFC) and its trade union, the Mexican Electricians’ Union (SME), an organization which has existed for nearly a century and which has stood out for its firm opposition to plans to privatise the public industries, and is an example of struggle to millions of workers in the country.

The decree which liquidates LyFC, promoted by the Calderón administration, is one more in a series of measures to make the workers pay for the economic crisis of the capitalists; whether it be by raising taxes, reducing social expenditure (health, education housing, etc.) or closing down public enterprises.

But just as the bourgeoisie is determined to place the burden of the crisis onto the shoulders of the workers, the working class is ready to launch a struggle to stop this. Three days after the decree of liquidation of LyFC, there have been demonstrations in support of the SME in seven Mexican states (even though in four of these the LyFC company does not provide any service). The PRD (opposition party) has joined the calls for mobilization and the UNT trade union, which brings together other sectors as telephone workers, has expressed itself in favour of a nationwide strike.

The rank and file of the union are aware of the fact that to struggle is the only way. This conclusion is connecting with the mood of anger and discontent that exists throughout the country. The attack on the SME is bringing together the different sections that have been struggling since 2006 but were isolated.

The way the Felipe Calderón government has proceeded has shown the flexibility of bourgeois legality, which resorts to any flimsy excuse to defend their capitalist interests. The state has set in motion all the means at its disposal against the union, but we know that we have the international solidarity of the working class to develop this struggle further.

We, workers of ____________ support the struggle of the SME and we oppose the closure of LyFC. We are not prepared to allow the rights of the working class to continue to be trampled on.

Given all these abuses by the employers and at the same time the heroic struggle being pursued by these colleagues, the undersigned declare:

1 .- The workers of the Mexican Electricians’ Union are not alone. Their struggle against the attacks of the bourgeoisie is the struggle of all workers in the world. And this we will demonstrate.

2 .- We demand that the government of Felipe Calderón reverses immediately and unconditionally the decree of liquidation of the Luz y Fuerza del Centro company.

3 .- We are in favour of a 24-hour general strike called by the leadership of the UNT, PRD and CND, as a viable and necessary method of struggle to stop this attack.

4 .- We express our determination to take all kind of actions to show solidarity with our fellow EMS workers and strengthen their struggle.

For the unity of the working class to defend their rights!


Solidaridad Obrera Internacional con el Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas

Los integrantes de ___________ nos oponemos firmemente a la desaparición de la compañía pública de electricidad Luz y Fuerza del Centro (LyFC) y su sindicato, el Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas (SME), organización con casi un siglo de vida que se ha caracterizado por oponerse decididamente a los planes de privatización de las industrias públicas, y que es un ejemplo de lucha para millones de trabajadores del país.

El decreto de liquidación de LyFC, promovido por el gobierno de Calderón, se suma a la serie de medidas tendientes a que la crisis económica de los capitalistas la paguemos los trabajadores; ya sea aumentando impuestos, reduciendo el presupuesto al gasto social (salud, educación, vivienda, etc.) o liquidando empresas públicas.

Pero así como la burguesía está decidida a arrojar el peso de la crisis sobre la espalda de los trabajadores, la clase obrera está dispuesta a emprender una lucha por evitarlo. A tres días de haberse decretado la extinción de LyFC, ha habido movilizaciones en apoyo al SME en siete estados de la república (aunque en cuatro de ellos la compañía LyFC no brinda servicio), el PRD se ha sumado a las convocatorias de movilización y la central sindical UNT, que agrupa entre otros sectores a los telefonistas, se ha manifestado incluso por un paro nacional.

Las bases del sindicato están conscientes de que la lucha es el único camino. Esta conclusión está conectando con el ambiente de rabia y descontento que existe en todo el país. El ataque al SME está aglutinando a los diferentes sectores que se encuentran en lucha desde el 2006 y que sin embargo se encontraban dispersos.

La forma en que ha procedido el gobierno de Felipe Calderón ha puesto de manifiesto la elasticidad de la legalidad burguesa, que se amolda de las formas más burdas con tal de defender los intereses capitalistas. El Estado ha echado a andar todos los mecanismos de que dispone contra él sindicato, pero nosotros sabemos que contamos con la solidaridad internacional de la clase obrera para emprender esta lucha.

Los trabajadores de _________ nos solidarizamos con la lucha del SME y nos manifestamos en contra de la extinción de LyFC. No estamos dispuestos a permitir que los derechos de la clase trabajadora sigan siendo pisoteados.

Ante todos esos abusos por parte de los patrones y ante la heroica lucha que están desarrollando estos compañeros, los abajo firmantes manifestamos:

1.- Los trabajadores del Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas no están solos. Su lucha contra los ataques de la burguesía es la lucha de todos los trabajadores del mundo. Así lo vamos a demostrar.

2.- Exigimos que el gobierno de Felipe Calderón revierta, de manera inmediata y sin condiciones, el decreto de liquidación de la compañía de Luz y Fuerza del Centro.

3.- Nos pronunciamos a favor de una huelga general de 24 horas convocada por la dirección de la UNT, PRD y CND, como un método de lucha viable y necesario para revertir este ataque

4.- Expresamos nuestra determinación para impulsar toda clase de acciones para solidarizarnos con los compañeros trabajadores del SME y fortalecer su lucha.

¡Por la unidad de la clase trabajadora en la defensa de sus derechos!


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