Mexico: Stop attacks, harassment and aggressions against Nahúm Pérez Monroy

Systematic harassment has been carried out by the authorities in Mexico against Nahúm Pérez Monroy and other student activists of CLEP-CEDEP. Support the fightback against these repressive methods.

Nahúm Pérez Monroy is an outstanding student which has kept a constant struggle for the defence of youth rights. Himself and the rest of the comrades in the CLEP/CEDEP have been carrying out a struggle to increase the number of students able to access university. As a result, a large number of youth have been able to enter the main universities UNAM and IPN, despite the hurdle of the admission exam.

In 2007, Nahum and other 8 comrades were put in jail and framed with absurd accusations. Finally they were released pending trial which will take place on August 1st. The trial has shown that the accusation has no grounds, however, in political cases like this, this is no guarantee.

For the last month, Nahum Perez Monroy has been harassed and followed by individuals. Today, July 31st, the persecution was stepped up. Three individuals were waiting for him on his doorstep who made verbal threats and then communicated with someone else on their mobile phones saying "he has arrived, he is home|".

These are the gangster-like methods of the university authorities to try to stop the movement of the youth. These threats coincide with a new round of mobilizations in favour of more university places which are taking place in the last few days in the IPN and the UNAM. In fact, comrade Nahum has not been able to participate in the movement this year because his trial is still pending.

We are making an appeal to all organizations and trade unions to support the campaign in defence of comrade Nahum Perez Monroy and to join with us in the struggle for the right for working class youth to access university education.

  State education for working class youth
Conscious students do not surrender and do not sell out
Organised and united we will win

Polytechnic Struggle Committee - Committee in Defence of State Education

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