Lal Khan’s book on the Lebanon-Israel war reviewed by

“From historical references he explains how the constant chaos, turmoil and warlike situation in the Middle East fulfill the aims and objectives of world imperialism.”

Lal Khan's latest book, Lebanon Israel War, was recently reviewed on Here we provide an English translation of the Urdu text.

A new book on the Lebanon-Israel war

Reviewed by Arif Waqar -

It was only a few days ago that Lebanon was attacked by Israel, and to write and produce a book of more than 150 pages analysing the historical background, the present direction of events, and future perspectives would seem to be a journalistic endeavour.

But after reading Dr. Lal Khan's book the impression that it might be some hastily written, superficial work is totally negated.

Behind the author's speed is his firm command of the topic in discussion, the scientific approach and methodology he uses to conduct a thorough analysis of the political and social conditions. But above all it is his high level of personal ideological commitment that differentiates and distinguishes an author, who is on a quest for social change and for the emancipation of the human race, from other stereotypically empirical authors.

Explaining the real aim of this fresh attack on Lebanon by Israel the author explains that Israel is bent upon imposing its expansionist policies in order to spread its frontiers far and wide to make the dream of Zionism come true.

In this context he explains the thought of David Ben Gurion by quoting from the famous Zionist writer, Avy Shalon's book, Israel and the Arab World:

"Ben Gurion's plan was to fully occupy southern Lebanon and convert the rest of the country into a Christian Maronite state and in 1956 he presented this plan to the British and the French imperialists in the secret negotiations in France. His Chief of Staff Moshe Dayan prepared a Lebanese officer to execute this plan. He would present himself as a liberator of the Maronite Christians and enter Lebanon. After capturing a certain area he would declare a Christian rulership and ultimately it would be allied with Israel."

By occupying the whole area south of the Litani River, Israel wanted to take control of the whole region.

Israel has tried to convert its old dream into reality several times. According to the author, most of the wars that have taken place between Israel and its Arab neighbours were won by the Israeli Army with relative ease. And today Israel controls much more area than it had at the time of its creation in 1948.

However, according to the author, Israel's desire to subdue Lebanon still lingers in its heart. But during the latest attempt the shock the "invincible" Israeli army suffered is the reflection of a deep economic, financial, political and social crisis into which the Israeli state is immersed.

In this context the author narrates an anecdote citing the example of a Jewish woman who left the country and moved to the US. The woman, explaining the reasons for leaving her homeland, said that when she gave birth to a baby boy in a Tel Aviv hospital, a nurse who was holding this healthy baby with praising books had said that he would become a very good army man when he grows up. The mother was shocked on hearing this and with feelings of shame, distress and repulsion she was forced to migrate from her homeland with her child.

Dr. Lal Khan says that this is not just the story of an Israeli mother but explains that these war-like situations have awoken the feeling amongst the different classes that society is sitting on top of a volcano and that people will not be able to sleep in tranquility until doomsday.

Analysing Israeli society in depth, Lal Khan tells us that during the current financial year Israeli banks have made a profit while at the same time four hundred and fifty thousand Israeli citizens were forced to live below the poverty line.

On a national scale unemployment has reached twelve percent and fifteen thousand municipal workers have not received their salaries for about a year.

While mentioning these internal conflicts in society the author also explains this issue from the perspective of world imperialism. From historical references he explains how the constant chaos, turmoil and warlike situation in the Middle East fulfill the aims and objectives of world imperialism.

With the beautifully computerized calligraphy and firm hardbound cover this 152-page work has been published by The Struggle Publications and costs Rs.180 at the bookshops.

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