The October Revolution in the American Press Index THE OCTOBER REVOLUTION IN THE AMERICAN PRESS NOVEMBER 1917 JANUARY 1918 FEBRUARY 1918 MARCH 1918 APRIL 1918 MAY 1918 JUNE 1918 JULY 1918 AUGUST 1918 SEPTEMBER 1918 NOVEMBER 1918 ALL PAGES 1917 The Impact of The Russian Revolution Internationally Share TweetPage 1 of 12The Russian Revolution of 1917 had a massive impact throughout the world. Bolshevik ideas inspired workers all over Europe and across the Atlantic in the Unites States. The events of October 1917 were the spark that ignited American communism, while also setting the stage for decades of oppressive anti-communist propaganda and 'witch-hunts' by the ruling class.Below we publish a collection of articles written in the US socialist press in the year following the revolution. Many of the articles were originally published in the only daily American socialist paper at the time, The New York Call, a front runner of American socialism. The articles are written by a series of authors (names provided where possible) working for The New York Call or affiliated publishers. Amongst these were Eugene Debs and John Reed. All the articles were written between November 1917 and November 1918 and are in chronological order sorted by month. Next