An example of how Israeli bosses treat Jewish workers

The Zionist ruling elite of Israel has for a long time attempted to maintain the myth that Israel is a safe haven for Jews, (which it obviously is not, as many years of conflict have clearly revealed). They tray and blur class divisions and unite Jews from all classes as a "nation" defending itself against the outside "enemy" (the Arabs). But the real Israel is quite different.
The Zionist ruling elite of Israel has for a long time attempted to maintain the myth that Israel is a safe haven for Jews, (which it obviously is not, as many years of conflict have clearly revealed). They tray and blur class divisions and unite Jews from all classes as a "nation" defending itself against the outside "enemy" (the Arabs). But the real Israel is quite different. 

There are rich and poor Jews. There are capitalist Jews and there are working class Jews, just like in all nations. The capitalist Jew has nothing in common with the Jewish workers. The former exploits the latter, and in reality has no concern for his well being. So long as Israel was able to maintain strong economic growth over quite a long period they could maintain the illusion of a common interest, but as the crisis of capitalism inevitably envelopes Israel the class differences are emerging more and more. 

We would like to quote just one small example, from one of our correspondents in Israel, Mordechai Peargut, which we believe needs no further comment.

"I would like to report on a tragic event that I experienced recently here in Israel. My wife runs, along with a few other Russians, a help centre for people from the Former Soviet Union. The other day she received a phone call about someone who had been to see her at the office of the help centre. This woman was a psychiatrist but like many Russians here she was forced to work at some menial job (we have engineers sweeping the streets here), in her case looking after old people. She had been ill with a heavy flu for a month. She had a doctor's certificate, but when she returned to work her employer refused to pay her sick leave. The woman was a widow with a daughter. She had no money to pay for the rent, for food etc. She jumped from the third floor and killed herself.

My wife has many such stories of people working and being injured, and not being paid, or simply working and at the end of the month the boss telling them to F**K off, and not paying them. This state of affairs never existed when the Histadrut had its full powers. Personally I prefer not to hear these stories from my wife for they make my blood boil."

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