Iraq: Continuation of the workers' protests in the electricity sector – Basra

We received this note from the FWCUI in Iraq about the ongoing struggles to defend the right to form a union. The invasion of Iraq was presented as a way of establishing “democracy”. Well, one fundamental democratic right is the right to form a union!

On Sunday, October 17, 2010 the workers in the electricity sector in Basra held a gathering in their workplace, after a work stoppage there. They announced that this gathering was an expression of their rejection of the ministerial orders banning unions in the electricity sector.

The leaders of this gathering, Ra'ad Mahmood and Hayhar Abd Al-ilaah said: "this gathering is to urge the workers to continue their protests against the orders of Shahristani to ban the unions.

Mahmood added, “It is important to organise gatherings inside the workplaces, to show the administrations that we are able to resume our activities and unions despite the ministerial orders.”

Media Center, Federation of Workers Councils and Unions in Iraq- FWCUI,
October 21, 2010

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