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Frantz Fanon’s ‘Wretched of the Earth’ – A Marxist critique

Frantz Fanon’s ‘Wretched of the Earth’ – A Marxist critique

In Defence of Marxism

Friday, 13 December 2024 


Frantz Fanon’s ‘Wretched of the Earth’ – A Marxist critique

The name of Frantz Fanon is intimately associated with the anti-colonial struggle of the postwar period, and his major work, The Wretched of the Earth, is regularly cited as a handbook for anti-imperialist struggle around the world. In this article, Jorge Martín separates the real Fanon from his postcolonial interpreters, and explains both the strengths and the flaws of his ideas.


Sweden: Communism & Revolution – the Revolutionary Communist Party has never been stronger!

On the weekend of 30 November, 122 communists from 23 Swedish cities – and a delegation from Finland – gathered for ‘Communism & Revolution’, a weekend of Marxist education designed to arm revolutionaries with the ideas they need to build a party that can smash capitalism.


[Podcast] Assad regime falls, the Kurds under attack, Zelensky hated in Ukraine, and CEO assassination reveals class hatred

Once again, this week has been defined by sharp turns in world politics. In Syria, the Assad regime collapsed after a sudden offensive by Islamist groups, taking the whole world by surprise. In the US, the assassination of a US healthcare CEO was met with an enormous outpouring of sympathy for the killer, in a clear expression of the simmering class rage beneath the surface. In Ukraine, it is becoming increasingly clear that Zelensky – darling of the West – is becoming hated by the population.


Pakistan: RCP launched amid another victory for the mass movement in Kashmir

The Revolutionary Communist Party has been founded. This party will smash all obstacles to become a leading force in the masses’ struggle against the rotten Pakistani regime and imperialism.


Serbia: growing protests after the devastating Novi Sad railway station collapse

The collapse of the concrete canopy at the train station in Novi Sad on 1 November, in which 15 people were killed, was the straw that broke the camel’s back for many in Serbia. Among the victims, a large number of them young people and children, two are still in critical condition.

Géorgie : les impérialistes occidentaux préparent un nouveau Maïdan

Des manifestations secouent la capitale de la Géorgie, Tbilissi, depuis près de deux semaines. Agitant des drapeaux géorgiens et européens, les manifestants s’opposent au gouvernement du parti « Rêve géorgien », qu’ils qualifient de « pro-russe ». Ils reçoivent l’appui enthousiaste des politiciens occidentaux, qui voient dans cette crise une occasion d’entraîner la Géorgie dans leur sphère d’influence. Tout cela, naturellement, au nom de la « démocratie ».

Assad er væltet, islamister tager magten i Syrien

Det syriske regime er kollapset. Bashar al-Assad er flygtet ud af landet. Hans hær er afvæbnet, og hans regering har kapituleret. Fængslerne er blevet stormet, og tusinder er blevet løsladt. Alt imens tusindvis af syrere er gået på gaden for at fejre det.

Manifesto de Luigi Mangione

Publicamos abaixo o curto manifesto manuscrito de 262 palavras que supostamente estava na posse de Luigi Mangione no momento da sua detenção. Publicámo-lo aqui na íntegra devido ao facto de a imprensa capitalista se ter recusado a fazê-lo, embora o cite com moderação.
