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Class hatred and the assassination of UnitedHealthcare’s CEO

Class hatred and the assassination of UnitedHealthcare’s CEO

In Defence of Marxism

Tuesday, 10 December 2024 


Class hatred and the assassination of UnitedHealthcare’s CEO

Wednesday morning, Americans woke up to the news that UnitedHealthcare’s CEO, Brian Thompson, had been shot to death in a targeted attack outside a Manhattan hotel. The country’s capitalists and their representatives shed collective tears for the death of one of their own. One of the first to react was Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota, Kamala Harris’s running-mate in the last election, who described Thompson’s death as “a terrible loss for the business and health care community.”


[Podcast] Lenin’s crusade against imperialist war – lessons for today

We are living through an epoch of war and revolution. In Ukraine, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, and countless other countries, wars and civil wars are raging, all with the backing and complicity of various imperialist powers. In these turbulent times, the ideas and methods of Lenin – who fought a relentless struggle against warmongering chauvinism during the First World War – provide the clarity that is so desperately needed in the world today.

Esad düştü, İslamcılar Suriye'yi ele geçirdi

Suriye rejimi çöktü. Beşar Esad ülkeden kaçtı. Ordusu silahsızlandırıldı ve hükümeti teslim oldu. Hapishaneler istila edildi ve binlerce kişi serbest bırakıldı. Bu arada binlerce Suriyeli kutlama için sokaklara döküldü. 

Suriye'nin çözülüşü: emperyalist savaş ve müdahalenin mirası

İçinde yaşadığımız tarih döneminin son derece karakteristik bir başka ani ve keskin olayında, Suriyeli İslamcı militanların sürpriz saldırısı Suriye'yi hızla çözüyor. İsrail'in Gazze ve Lübnan'a yönelik Batı destekli savaşları Ortadoğu'daki kırılgan dengeyi altüst etti ve bölgenin dokusunu çözmeye başlayan bir ipliği çekti.

سقوط الأسد وسيطرة الإسلاميين على سوريا

لقد انهار النظام السوري، وفر بشار الأسد من البلاد، وتم تجريد جيشه من سلاحه، واستسلمت حكومته. كما تم اجتياح السجون، وإطلاق سراح الآلاف من المعتقلين. وفي الوقت نفسه، نزل الآلاف من السوريين إلى الشوارع للاحتفال.

Assad ist gestürzt – Islamisten übernehmen Syrien

Das syrische Regime ist in sich zusammengebrochen. Bashar al-Assad ist aus dem Land geflohen. Seine Armee hat ihre Waffen niedergelegt und die Regierung hat kapituliert. Die Gefängnisse wurden gestürmt und Tausende wurden befreit. Währenddessen strömten tausende Syrer auf die Straßen, um dies zu feiern. Von Hamid Alizadeh (08.12.24).

Η ανατροπή του Άσαντ από τους τζιχαντιστές και ο βρώμικος ρόλος του Δυτικού ιμπεριαλισμού

Ανάλυση για τα δραματικά γεγονότα στη Συρία, το ρόλο του ιμπεριαλισμού και τις προοπτικές της περιοχής.

Assad is gevallen - islamisten nemen Syrië over

Het Syrische regime is ingestort. Bashar al-Assad is het land ontvlucht. Zijn leger is ontwapend en zijn regering heeft gecapituleerd. De gevangenissen zijn onder de voet gelopen en duizenden zijn vrijgelaten. Ondertussen zijn duizenden Syriërs de straat op gegaan om feest te vieren. Hoe is de situatie in korte tijd zo drastisch veranderd?

Assad cai e os islâmicos tomam o poder na Síria

O regime sírio entrou em colapso. Bashar al-Assad fugiu do país. Seu exército foi desarmado e seu governo capitulou. As prisões foram invadidas e milhares foram libertados. Enquanto isso, milhares de sírios foram às ruas em comemoração.

Assad faller – islamister erövrar Syrien

Den syriska regimen har kollapsat. Bashar al-Assad har flytt landet. Hans armé har avväpnats och hans regering har kapitulerat. Fängelserna har övermannats och tusentals har släppts. Tusentals syrier har gått ut på gatorna för att fira.
