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[Podcast] French government falls, Syrian Civil war reignites, Biden pardons corrupt son, and Korean President gambles on martial law

[Podcast] French government falls, Syrian Civil war reignites, Biden pardons corrupt son, and Korean President gambles on martial law

In Defence of Marxism

Thursday, 5 December 2024 


[Podcast] French government falls, Syrian Civil war reignites, Biden pardons corrupt son, and Korean President gambles on martial law

This week has been full of sharp and sudden turns. The Syrian civil war has suddenly reignited due to the shock advance of a Turkey-backed rebel group. The French president was forced to resign after trying to force through an austerity budget. Joe Biden has used his last few weeks in power to pardon his corrupt son. And, to top things off, the president of South Korea declared martial law, only to be quickly defeated by opposition from the whole of parliament and mass mobilisations. 


France: great success at the founding congress of the Revolutionary Communist Party

On 30 November and 1 December, over 160 activists took part in the founding congress of the Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR), held in Ivry-sur-Seine. Comrades came from the Paris region, Toulouse, Marseille, Aix-en-Provence, Montpellier, Grenoble, Reims, Gap, Lyon, Rennes, Morlaix, Brest, Nantes, Lille, Bourges, Dax, Cherbourg and Val d'Ajol.

Francia – Il governo Barnier è caduto, e ora?

Sotto i colpi della mozione di sfiducia presentata dal Nuovo fronte popolare, ieri il governo Barnier è caduto. Si apre un nuovo capitolo della crisi politica nel paese transalpino, i cui elementi fondamentali sono tratteggiati da questo articolo dei nostri compagni francesi, scritto alla vigilia della crisi di governo.


Corea del Sur: La ley marcial desesperada de Yoon Suk-yeol, derrotada en cuestión de horas

Un espectacular torbellino político ha tenido lugar en Corea del Sur, donde el Presidente declaró repentinamente la ley marcial en nombre de la «defensa del país frente a las fuerzas pro-norcoreanas», sólo para verse obligado a anularla en cuestión de horas. ¿Por qué esta extraordinaria medida se ha convertido tan rápidamente en una farsa y qué fuerzas ha desatado en este país en crisis?
